Under the heading Diet: Product replacement
Cervical habits
First, let's get rid of bad habits for the neck. List them small. You should not read lying down and sleeping on a high pillow. When walking, you need to raise high the chin. Making with neck skin beauty treatments, care should be taken to apply to the area of the thyroid gland. Here only very light touch.
Getting rid of bad habits and replace them useful. If you want to be absolutely perfect neck, use the experience of the ancient Egyptians. To save a flexible and graceful neck they wore on their heads gravity and thus had a graceful posture.
On the head, you can just put the bulk book and continue to do normal household chores. Of course, you should try to book does not fall from the head. Just a few workouts, and make it easy to hold the load.
Gentle Cream
Because the skin on the neck is very sensitive and vulnerable, for it creates a special gentle cosmetics. It is extremely rich in moisturizing ingredients. If you need an active lifting effect, pay attention to the cream. Components such as camel thorn seeds, lupine and wood horsetail, known for its rejuvenating properties.
Typically creams neck intended for correction of age-related changes and for preventing their occurrence. Therefore, even in 22-25 years smoothing cream can be used - for example, on the basis of protein carrot or oil seed magenta.
Some women need to work on the chin. Simulates and promotes weight loss in the area "Firming Neck Cream" French firm Odry, containing an extract of a tropical tree Bois-Canon. It has a powerful lipolytic action.
Just two hours to reduce wrinkles and smooth skin of the neck helps protein biopolymer of sweet almond. This substance is contained in the "ultra-light moisturizing day cream lifting" issued by "Beauty, Cosmetics Cuff."
Horse chestnut extract, Kigelia and complex Phytotal FM tonics are well tighten the skin, making it more elastic. This forms a special cream for skin care neck and bust "RV-3" can be found in Edelstar.
For women over 35 Italian firm Cosmactive created special anti-aging line with a complex of active ingredients. These include the "rejuvenating cream neck and neck." This product is intended for skin tone and reduced wrinkles.
Cabin stimulants
Those who want to dramatically affect the skin of the neck, it can be acid peels or mesotherapy.
Acids provide a smooth and controlled exfoliation of several layers of old dead skin cells. This will contribute to the rejuvenation of the skin of the neck. Furthermore, when this is stimulated production of new cells and collagen fibers. The result will be an increase in skin tone and elasticity. The most popular cosmetic procedures effects on the skin of the neck are glycolic acid peels.
Mesotherapy involves microinjection biokokteyley and vitamin preparations. This procedure will be aimed at stimulating the metabolic processes in the skin of the neck. The best thing to do courses of 5-7 procedures every six months.
Itself masseur
With the help of massage brush can be a couple of times a week, do the following five-minute manipulation. Make circular movements from the chest on the side of the neck to the earlobe, from the shoulder to the ear. But rashes and lesions on the skin, this method is not applicable. In this case, you can have a massage in the usual cool shower.
Evening after washing grease neck cream, and then pat it a folded towel soaked in salt water. Then pat on the chin with the back of his hand. Now do stroking motion in the neck from the bottom up, palms of hands.
Caring for the skin of the neck in the evening, massaging, apply cream on it until it is fully absorbed. Start massage from the center to the periphery of the neck and décolleté, and then from the center of the neck to the chin.
Gentle cleansing
To cleanse the skin of the neck are great homemade lotions. For example, cucumber. Grate on a fine grater cucumber, mix it with three tablespoons of vodka. Steep for 10 days, strain and store in the refrigerator.
Another embodiment of the lotion - yolk, cream and lemon juice. Mash egg yolk with one teaspoon of cream. Then mix with the juice of one lemon and one tablespoon of vodka. In addition, the washing of the neck, you can use shaving cream or herbal infusion. For example, mint, lime blossom and chamomile. Take one tablespoon of herb mixture, pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes in a water bath or in a thermos.
Normal skin of the neck can be washed with cold water and ordinary soap with cosmetic. After this procedure, rinse well with water skin with lemon juice to soften. After washing is recommended to apply on the neck day cream for the face. First, rub the cream in his hands. Then, head back slightly, sliding movements of the right hand, apply it on the left side of the neck and the left hand - on the right. The direction of movement upwards only.
Delicious mask
The neck will be grateful if you share it with fruit. It's enough just to smear the skin slice bananas, peaches, oranges, strawberries or grapes.
You can make a mask of parsley. Four tablespoons finely chopped parsley pour a glass of hot milk. Soak in this mixture and put a handkerchief around his neck. After this mask wash your neck, let it dry and apply a nourishing cream - the best vitamin F.
Good as the mask of curd. Two tablespoons of cottage cheese pound with a teaspoon of sour cream and a teaspoon of vegetable oil unrefined. The mass of a thin layer put on a skin of the neck. Hold for 20 minutes. Rinse off with warm decoction of chamomile. This mask is recommended to do once a month.
And another recipe: Potato mask with honey. Need to grind two hot potatoes, add to it one egg yolk, one teaspoon of honey and olive oil. The resulting mixture was put on a piece of cheesecloth and tie them to the neck. On top of the cheesecloth and apply a cellophane wrap the neck with a towel. Duration mask - 15-20 minutes.
Then it should be washed off with warm water and rinse skin infusion of lime blossom. To brew a tablespoon of herbs pour half a liter of boiling water. For 20-30 minutes and strain. Skin refreshed better if the infusion add one teaspoon of lemon juice or one teaspoon of salt to one cup of brew.
Rejuvenating compresses
One of the most effective home treatments for neck - the so-called replacement compress. Make a decoction of chamomile, brewed cup of boiling water, two tablespoons of herbs. Take the gauze or linen napkin and fold it in 2-3 layers. Soak the cloth in broth, quickly press and wrap the neck. Hold a hot compress for 3 minutes and change the cold for 5 seconds. Compresses me three times. The procedure helps to maintain skin elasticity and reduce its sagging.