Cope with this disease will only sport. Often, the skin on the back of slack, because the muscles have tone. Many people have big problems with posture. Stoop, scoliosis and other spinal problems carry the load from the back to other parts of the body. Thus, the muscles of the back, without a job, gradually become lethargic and lose their elasticity.
There are plenty of special exercises for back muscles. In yoga, for example, there are several asanas that promote flexibility back. Well-known from school days "bridge" and "candle" also help keep your back muscles toned.
Run a "bridge" or any asana untrained person will be difficult. So to start, try to train the back with the help of simple but effective exercises.
The first exercise should be done on all fours. Be sure to straighten your back, lean on his knees and forearms. Now, at the same time lift up his left arm and right leg. Keep them in this position for 5-7 seconds. To be effective, repeat the exercise 10 times. Then perform the same exercise 10 more times, changing the hand and leg.
For the second exercise must lie on your stomach. Then hold your breath and lift up both hands and feet. Try to make sure that they were at a distance of 15 cm from the floor. Count to 10, then exhale and return to starting position. Repeat at least 10 times.
According to experts, you can get real results in 3 weeks, after performing these exercises. You can also book a massage. He, together with physical activity is excellent, and most importantly quickly lead to muscle tone.