First of all it is necessary to improve blood circulation, tighten the skin without it will not succeed. Fabrics should be getting a lot of oxygen, and the muscles - enough aerobic exercise. Therefore, you should include in your schedule a visit to the pool, and if time permits, the, jogging and cycling in the fresh air! Classes in the pool are good by the fact that water has an excellent tonic effect on the skin, providing it with an excellent all-round massage. Aerobic exercise provides efficient burning of fat, without all the exercises and workouts are not able to give visible results.
You can restore circulation and through the use of special massage and exfoliating scrub, which should contain in its composition, natural beads and natural extracts. Well help fight fat and skin laxity extracts of grape, pomegranate, seaweed and citrus. Granules may be made of milled apricot pits or walnut shells. Scrubs is also excellent prepares the skin for subsequent hydration and nutrition lotions and gels, as all the nutrients will be much better assimilated and absorbed.
Each morning while taking a shower, rub the problem areas hard sponge made of natural materials - it is like accelerates body fat and toxins, as well as an excellent exfoliant and prevention of cellulite.
In the fight against sagging skin you should practice douche - a truly effective means of quick and visible results. Change temperature as send signals to improve blood circulation and tissue oxygenation, actively removes excess moisture and toxins. To douche to be effective, you need to alternate hot and cold temperature, about once every 30 seconds, during which actively massage the problem areas with water. You immediately feel pleasantly warm and tingling, which means that blood circulation is activated!
Also with sagging skin and helps fight a method such as wraps. This is a very pleasant procedure, as it contains elements of aromatherapy. There are a variety of wraps, and here's one of them: take the midst of freshly brewed coffee, add to it a small amount of warm warmed cream and a few drops of oil of sweet orange or grapefruit. Put a lot of massaging and then wrap with cling film. The film should be fixed tightly enough, but tug unacceptable. Now wrap yourself with a woolen blanket and relax for about 30 minutes. Caffeine removes toxins, fights with fat and tightens the skin actively, citrus essential oils are struggling with cellulite and irregularities. After a few steps, you will notice results with pleasure!