Over a long way to get rid of unwanted hair can be called to use a special cream for hair removal, designed specifically for the underarms. Apply it on the skin, soak time specified in the instructions, and then rinse with plenty of water. Cream remove unwanted hair and skin will look smooth for much longer than after the application of a razor.
If you want to remove hairs at once in two or three weeks, the experts advise to use electric epilator. Disadvantage of this procedure is painful. Keep in mind that if you have a low pain threshold or sensitive skin, it is best to choose a more sparing methods of getting rid of unwanted vegetation in the armpits.
Another long-term, but a painful method of hair removal - a wax. With special wax strips are removed hairs with roots that allows you to keep smoothness of the skin for three to four weeks. Procedure is best performed in a specialized salon.
There epilation techniques and hardware that allow the hair to get rid of even a long time, and in some cases permanently. These methods include electrolysis, laser hair removal and photo-epilation. These procedures are carried out in specialized shops graduates. All of these treatments have side effects, so before you decide on such drastic measures, you should consult with your doctor. Also need to know that these types of hair removal cost money.
It must be remembered that any hair removal - is stressful for the skin, so in order that they might bring it back to normal, experts advise to use special emollients after hair removal, as well as deodorants which include caring ingredients.