In the process of communication with the doctor explain your problem (for example, long ears or earlobes irregular shape), ask about the possibilities of its solutions and clearly paint over the desired result. Listen carefully to the doctor and his recommendations, check the cost of operation and all associated costs.
The human ear - the same important organ, like everyone else, so before the operation must undergo a thorough examination. Take overall analyzes, turn blood for hepatitis C and B, HIV and syphilis. You may also need blood chemistry. Be sure to ask if you have any allergies, are taking at the moment whether the medical drugs and what operations you have had to endure. Otoplasty is contraindicated for people with diabetes, cancer and malformations of the internal organs.
14 days before the operation is prohibited to drink alcohol, smoke or take drugs that contain aspirin. Try to eat right, avoid stress, eat more vitamins. If at this time was postponed colds, the operation can not be done. This cosmetic procedure has no side effects, but for the insurance you need to take a vacation for a few weeks, in case of any complications.
In the evening before surgery, take a shower and wash your hair. 5-6 hours before the operation can not eat or drink. The operation itself lasts about an hour, and then you go home immediately. It is also necessary to remember that a child's ears are more sensitive. Therefore, if the operation is transferred your children, please be sure to painkillers to relieve the pain after surgery.