Well-groomed women do not need to spend every morning for two hours on the guidance of beauty - the superposition of several layers of makeup, creating intricate hairstyles and eliminating under-eye circles. She has woken up, it looks great.
However, many women have the wrong approach to care for themselves. They believe that the main thing - visit a beautician, using ten varieties of nutrients and moisturizers. In fact, it's a vicious circle, and such actions only make it difficult to develop natural resources of natural beauty.
Since the appeal is largely derived from the health, it comes from within. Thus, the woman who wants a long stay young and beautiful, just need to take care of their condition and tone - to establish a proper diet, to do any kind of exercise.
For example, a healthy diet - the only way to clean the skin without defects. Cream, and if help, briefly, but in fact eliminates the symptoms. Industrial cream with a high content of chemistry not only useful, but often harmful. You may have noticed that, starting always use moisturizer soon without it could not do - skin became drier. The exception, perhaps, is just over 90% natural cosmetics (it usually costs a lot). As an alternative, you can use low-fat vegetable oils for skin care.
One of the most common causes of lifeless skin - dehydration. Modern women drink a lot of tea, coffee, caffeinated and other alcoholic beverages. They are dried, so their use to minimize costs. About smoking is not worth mentioning. Abandon habits is difficult, but necessary to understand what you are doing it for the sake of its beauty, if she is important to you. Instead, drink plenty of plain water from the filter, especially for half an hour before meals.
As for food, it is necessary that at least 50% of the diet consisted of fresh fruits and vegetables, especially vegetables. They help to keep young, well-metabolism, adequate digestion. Fatty and fried foods, pastries and sweets should eat less or even eliminated.
Another important component - the sport. It is difficult to underestimate. Exercise helps to maintain optimum weight, metabolism, strengthen the immune system and stimulate self-healing and self-renewal mechanisms of the body. Someone seeking a relaxing exercises and yoga, and someone - aerobics and gym. Only one charge in the morning already bring invaluable.
Factors that affect the well-groomed, very much. In any case, to achieve it you need to make an effort, and less reliance on funds that provide external short-term effect.