There are different types of baths for the feet. In order to decide what's right for you, determine what you want to achieve through the procedure. If your goal - to harden and strengthen the legs vessels, you will approach a contrast bath. Place the next two basin. In one pour cold water in the other - hot. Lower leg alternately first in hot water, then in cold, keeping them in water for 20 seconds. Follow step 8-10.
In order to avoid or get rid of cracks on the soles and chapped skin, take a warm bath for the feet. Add the water potassium permanganate. After the bath, do bandage levomitsitinovoy ointment for 2-3 hours before bedtime. For treatment of such a procedure should be carried out for 7-10 days.
To moisten the skin of the legs (it may be necessary in the hot season), take bath with the addition of sodium chloride or sea salt. Also, for this purpose, suitable bath with a decoction of herbs: mint, nettle, plantain, horsetail. 3 tablespoons chopped herb mixture pour a glass of boiling water, then add the resulting solution in warm water. Baths with table salt can also help you with the swelling of legs. For this fit and linden blossom and wild cherry bark infusion. Infusion of bark should be pre-fill with boiling water and let stand for 20 minutes.
If you want to get rid of excessive sweating feet, then you will help pharmacy daisy. It, like other herbs can be purchased at the pharmacy. Tablespoon of chamomile brew in boiling water, wait 30 minutes and pour the solution into the warm water. Take a bath for 15-20 minutes. The use of essential oils will help to get rid of cracks on the skin of the feet and blisters. Helps relieve fatigue infusion of pomegranate peel. After bathing necessarily rinse feet with warm water, wipe with a soft towel and put on cotton socks. Regular intake of trays will make your skin soft and tender feet.