As a little girl, Anna began to dance and music. She is a very responsible approach to their studies, so with honors not only comprehensive, but also music school. After high school, she enrolled at the Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, who also graduated with good grades. Her dream was to sing in a group of "Viagra". She repeatedly came to the auditions and the producers liked, but always something was wrong, too young age and it can not be a member of the group. But Anna decided that would still be singing along with them, as long as it is trying hard to prove that old enough and independent. During this time she worked as a model and leading to the "OTV" music channel, and finally, the producers of "Viagra" drew attention to Anna Sedakova and invited her to the team. During the time when Anna was a member of this trio of "Viagra", it reached the peak of his career.
But then suddenly, Anna leaves the group "Viagra" and marries a famous footballer Valentine Belkevich, by the end of the year they have a daughter Alina. However, Anna married life will not last long, they divorced. From the words of Anne she was tired of the endless betrayals.
It was rumored that Anna Sedakov made her breasts, because she claimed that her daughter she fed breast milk, and her breasts look even after feeding 100%. So is it true? But on this point there is no evidence, so is safe to say that breasts are not real, you can not. Anna herself claims that her breasts so by nature, it is just to maintain the shape of the breast makes a special exercise and therefore looks just perfect. All women who want to have an attractive bust, Anna advises push-ups from the floor and do on special simulators.
Anna Sedakov second time married businessman and manager of the "Formula One" Maxim Shevchenko, with whom she had been dating for a long time. Anna and her future husband long time to choose the day of the wedding ceremony. The wedding took place in Hollywood style, and congratulated Suite only close friends and relatives. All the celebration was moved to the restaurant, and the completion of the celebration was the removal of wedding cakes, which were of two colors, black and white. Honeymoon young held in the United Arab Emirates.
Now Anna is very actively involved in various projects, performs solo and in films