How to preserve the beauty of the breast: the secrets of care

How to preserve the beauty of the breast: the secrets of care
 Beautiful breasts - pride and dream of any woman. Of course, radically correct genetic parameters laid down shapes, without resorting to the surgeon, is difficult enough, but to preserve the elasticity of the breast and it can form at any age.
 Breast skin is sensitive enough and needs nutrition and hydration. Therefore care it should be regular and daily. Comprehensive program starts with a light massage, performed at the reception soul. To do this, water jet clockwise repeatedly washed each breast. Decollete also captured. Shower should be contrasting and end with cool water. This alternation of temperature allows to activate blood circulation in this area, so that the skin will better absorb nutrients from the cream or lotion applied after this procedure. In this case, on the nipple and aureole around the cream is not harmful.

Beneficial effects on the skin have a bath with sea salt. It's enough to hold a light massage the breast with a concentrated solution of sea salt. All movements should be very soft, otherwise you can stretch the thin skin.

Healthy lifestyle largely affects the shape of the breast conservation. Extreme changes in weight, it does not matter whether it is set, or weight loss, a negative impact on its appearance. The skin may react to the appearance of stretch marks such factors on which will subsequently be quite difficult to get rid of.

Beauty chest desirable to eat foods rich in vitamins A, C, E, which help to maintain the elasticity of the tissues and produce enough collagen renewal of skin cells.

Thinking about how to preserve the beauty of the chest, it must be understood that without physical activity to maintain muscle tone is simply impossible. Perfect for this conventional pushups. Well-trained muscles exercises with dumbbells. You just need to raise direct hand in hand. Instead of dumbbells you can use regular plastic water bottles. If you engage in on a daily basis, the exercises for the chest will certainly effect.

Tags: breast care, secret exercise