The skin of the face and body under the influence of the sun, urban dust or sea wind became a little drier and rougher. Restore skin elasticity, soften and moisturize it will help the bath with a decoction of birch buds. Lime Blossom refresh the skin and give it a velvety - brew linden flowers and prepare the infusion, which can be added to the water while taking a bath.
Facial lotions should contain antioxidants and substances that restore regenerative processes - green tea, chitosan. Day cream with a light texture should be changed to a more dense compositions, has a protective effect. Restore the moisture balance of the skin and get rid of the redness will help wipe the ice. If instead of water use herbal extracts - chamomile or calendula, in addition to moisturizing skin care and anti-receive.
The delicate skin of the lips is very sensitive to temperature changes, so her first cracks appear. Lipstick must contain moisturizing ingredients and nutrients, vitamins and wax. Additionally, you can maintain your lips cottage cheese or apple masks.
Hair has dried sufficiently bright sunlight, so the restoration of their structures before the winter is mandatory. Brandy hair mask strengthen them, add shine and strength. In windy and rainy weather, it is desirable to hide the hair under hats.
Hands should be protected - Always wear gloves and lubricate the skin with a thick layer of nourishing cream twice a day. Baths for nails will help to keep the castle and shine, while covering them with a protective varnish is necessary.
Legs feel well in shoes made of natural materials. And if there is a problem or sweating legs very tired, the bath of oak bark can help solve these problems.
The basic principles of care for the face and body in the autumn - the daily hydration and protection from weather conditions (wind, humidity, cold and rainy).