Out of the fire, the frying pan into. This situation is familiar to almost everyone. Most people return to work the very next day after the arrival of the warm countries. Specialists It is not recommended to do so. After all, your body is not used to the climate and time change. It's pretty relaxed, so I reach a healthy state for such a short time is simply not capable of. This leads to stress, which literally reflected on the face.
Plan your vacation so that you have enough time to recover. Immediately after arrival, start to take vitamins, eat more fresh fruits and vegetables. Especially useful for skin vitamins A and E, they will help her not zagrubet, and save beautiful shine.
Be sure to further nourish the skin. Remember that the sun even with proper care much dried up it, so on the face and body can tread age spots, freckles and fine wrinkles. Take milk baths, lubricate the skin with a special oil or cream. Pay more attention to the face. Make regular masks to improve skin elasticity, use lifting serum, it will keep the skin elasticity
Keep your tan by using special tools and solarium at least once a week. Eat carrots and peaches, they will help keep longer beautiful skin tone. Do not forget to remove dead skin cells, or they will interfere with the removal of toxins from the body. Take special massage and use scrubs.
Hair also require extra care. If you properly care for them, then they will be after the holidays healthy and shiny, but that is no reason to relax. Constantly look after them, do oil masks, use gentle shampoos and balms. Please note that after the release of better than a month and a half to forget about hair color.
Extremely vulnerable after the holidays and nails. From sea water, they are often strong and growing rapidly. However, things are changing at home. Keep them healthy help bath of sea salt, as well as the application of iodine on the nail plate is not more than 2-3 times a week. Make sure that the nails have always been protection in plain or strengthen varnish.