Are bath able to give us the beauty?
Absolutely! And it's not just a fashion, and the conclusion reached on the basis of centuries-old traditions. No wonder according to the old Russian custom, the bride before the wedding be sure to spend the evening in the bath together with their girlfriends to the next day to look unearthly beauty. By the way, the groom traditionally gave her a bath before going to the box with a selection of toiletries and a mirror.
Why is Russia the most popular two types of baths: Russian and Finnish?
First, unlike most other baths, but these two appear in countries with cold climates. This means that the most suitable to you and me. And secondly, they are the most simple from a technical point of view, and therefore build their own bath in the country, we usually give preference to these two species. Incidentally, it was about them and will be discussed in this article. As for the other types of baths, although they have recently become more popular - this is for Russia yet exotic.
What other bath?
If you do not go into the historical and geographical details, apart from the above, the most popular nowadays are Roman-Irish, Turkish and Japanese baths. Roman-Irish are pure air (at moderate temperatures of 50-60 ° C). The hot air passes under the floor and the walls in special tubes. Turkish baths are arranged differently, but normally they heated the floor to the hot air, and then sprayed with water, resulting in a pair is formed. The temperature in the Turkish baths also typically does not exceed 60 ° C.. Japanese baths are of two types: water and sawdust. Bath water bath arranged in a wooden barrel, which is filled with hot water at about 45 °. Take a bath to his chest immersed in it, wearing a hat on his head, soaked in cold water. Another type of Japanese bath is sawdust dry sauna. In pine sawdust is added herbs, then the mixture of sawdust with herbs heated to 60 °. Sawdust absorb sweat while highlighting aromatic and medicinal substances.
What are the main differences from the Russian bath Finnish sauna?
If only briefly, in the classic sauna air is usually dry, and in the Russian bath - wet. Dry air having a lower thermal conductivity and heat capacity, allows to raise the temperature in the sauna to 100-120 ° C. In the Russian steam bath in air support higher levels of steam and therefore the temperature at the level of the head in a bath does not exceed 60-65 ° C. Although, strictly speaking, this division is purely conventional, as rustic sauna readily admits high humidity, and therefore the fundamental difference between these two types of baths, in fact, not.
What is the best bath: private or public?
A few years ago this issue in our country is practically standing. Fans went to warm up any Sanduny and not even dreamed of their own. However, the growth of national wealth and small-proprietor instincts led to the fact that in recent years any more or less decent cottage owners necessarily build bath. Of course, private bath allows sweating when you feel like it. And stay in it is not limited to. You can devote his beloved all day. Not to mention the absence of threats to pick up any fungal infection. However, this self-esteem bath and ends. Because for the maximum effect of bath procedures still need a professional approach. And if your plans do not include becoming an expert and understand the peculiarities of the temperature regime, aromatherapy intricacies, the question of choosing the right broom, etc..n.Better to use the services of a good bath, which experts can help you to extract from her visit to the maximum benefit.
How to have hot air bath?
In steam human skin temperature rises to 38- 41 ° C in 5-10 min. The temperature of the subcutaneous tissue and muscle are not increased so much (at 0, 5.1, 5 ° C). Metabolism depending on the temperature in the steam and pro¬dolzhitelnosti stay in it increases to 1, 5-2, 5 times. So-called internal temperature increases to 1, 0-2, 0 ° C. Bath substantially improves metabolism, the main role is played by the air temperature in the steam room and the duration of exposure to the thermal effect, in conditions of high tempera¬tury in the body significantly increases the gas exchange. Thus, when the air temperature 80-85 ° C. vozras¬taet oxygen consumption by 30% and at a temperature of 100 ° C - 50-60%.
When to go to the bath is not necessary?
Should be avoided, especially for people suffering from cardiac disease. Bath - a serious test for the heart. And if it is sick, it can not withstand such loads. The same goes for hypertensive patients. People with mental disabilities are not in control of himself every second, is also better not to go to the bath. It is not necessary to visit her, and people with serious respiratory diseases, musculoskeletal system (eg, acute rheumatic diseases), while taking corticosteroids, serious problems with the kidneys and gastrointestinal tract. Contraindications are also most acute forms of breast and gynecological diseases. Of course, strictly forbidden room with cancers or suspected to them. In addition to all the above, the ban on her visit are almost all exacerbation of chronic diseases and fever.
How much time should last the whole "bath ritual"?
Of course, if desired, can be carried out in the bath all day, alternating visits to the steam room to care for themselves. But most experts believe the best time of 4 hours. During this time you can manage to not only happy to warm up, without overloading the body, but also to perfect their own beauty.
Why do we need a special bath headdress?
It protects the head from overheating and allows you to get heat stroke. Particularly relevant special bathing cap for those with weak vessels and who easily gets in the summer sun and heat stroke. They are without a hat is not necessary to go into the steam room even for a short while.
Why going to the steam room, it is necessary to remove jewelry and metal hair clips?
The fact is that under high temperature (especially when it comes to the sauna), all metal objects tend to get very hot. But if the heating chain or ring you will likely feel and hardly would bring the matter to burn, the red-hot metal pins or studs can burn your hair is completely transparent to you, especially if you're used to sit in the steam room for a long time.
Why in the steam room is better to be in a horizontal position?
Despite the fact that the seductive beauty on advertising and sauna baths usually flirtatiously sit on wooden benches, experts do not recommend to follow their example, especially to sit, legs dangling. The fact that the temperature at the floor usually 30-40 ° C lower than the ceiling. And if you sit and do not lie, but still quite a long time, the temperature difference between the feet and the head can be critical. And when you consider that for normal body legs, as you know, to keep warm, and a head cold, the opposite situation can be fraught with very serious problems and be extremely dangerous to your health. So, it is better to lie down and relax completely.
What are the basic rules "of bath aromatherapy"?
Probably does not make sense to stop here on the action of specific essential oils. Information can be easily found online or in the literature. In the bath, essential oils are usually added in a bucket with water and place it in a safe place near a heater or stove (in the case of the sauna) or splash out on the walls and floor (if it is a Russian bath). It's worth knowing that splashes on the hot stones may scorching oils, resulting in an unpleasant smell of burning organic.
What is needed in the bath broom?
Broom in the bath works wonders, like a good massage it increases blood circulation, accelerates any congestion, improves metabolism. Skin pores open and then with the body of unwanted toxins leave. Volatile contained in the leaves of the broom, neutralize pathogens. And essential oils, falling on the skin, rejuvenate it.
What usually do Veniks?
In Russia traditionally used birch brooms. If we talk about them in terms of the scope of this article, it should be said that in the birch leaves have essential oils, tannins, vitamin C and provitamin A, which strengthens the hair and destroys dandruff, revitalizes and soothes the skin, prone to pustular diseases, accelerate the healing of wounds and abrasions. But less common oak twigs contain large amounts of tannins, so it is especially suitable for people with oily skin - they make it matte and elastic, anti-inflammatory effect. Generally, oak twigs recommended soared to all who have problems with the skin of the body and the head: eczema, urticaria, sweating hands and feet, oily seborrhea. Soaked in water and softened softwood (spruce, pine, fir or juniper) broom is useful for acne. Poplar broom treats skin diseases, especially those that are accompanied by painful itching. Help with skin problems and also currant alder brooms.
How to prepare a bath broom?
Connoisseurs of the sauna broom prepare in advance for 6 hours before the arrival of the bath. Dry broom need to pour warm, then hot water and shaking, put in a plastic bag. And in the bath steamed broom hot water in a bowl and cover it with plastic wrap. After a few minutes a broom ready.
What do the bath broom and your hair?
The answer is simple: the broth. Specifically, that the water in which zaparivatsya broom. Rinse hair after washing it, and the results will be visible just after the second, the third procedure. For these purposes the most suitable broth nettle and birch broom: the hair will become stronger, less brittle, will be lush and shiny. Juniper decoction helps in controlling dandruff and activates hair growth.
How to most effectively use the bath for hair care?
The best option - before the last visit to the steam room to wash your hair and put on a special mask hair, the effect of which is subjected to high temperatures will increase by several times. After applying the mask tightly wrap the head of need and put on top bannuyu cap. However, at very high temperature in the steam room should not do it, so as not to cause overheating of the head. So what advice the more urgent for the Russian baths, and not for the sauna. In this case, you can use either the finished mask and old "grandmother's" recipes.
How to enhance the effect of the bath with the help of massage?
Bath and massage - it is the same classic and absolutely perfect combination as cognac and lemon slice. One without the other is certainly possible, but also the effect is simply magnificent. If you can use the services of a professional masseur - never neglect it. In a pinch, you can get a broom and help someone from friends. If you prefer to bathe in splendid isolation, have to master the elementary self-massage. Used for these purposes can be hard sponge or special massager. With self-massage can also combine the application of cosmetics. Particularly active massage problem areas, and the effect you are guaranteed antitselllyulitny. You can do massage and simply hands. To do this, rub hands together until the sensation of heat, and then apply the selected cream on the whole body except the face and neck, rubbing it along the way. Massage is performed on blood flow, that is, from the periphery to the heart. Hands massaged from the fingertips to the elbow and from the elbow to the armpit. Feet - from the toes to the knee, chest, back - from the middle to the sides. Lower back massaged towards the inguinal nodes, neck - from the bottom up and slightly to the side. Breasts massaged very gently in a circle (clockwise and vice versa), the stomach - as well, but only in a clockwise direction. You can not massage the lymph nodes, which are located in the armpit, the popliteal fossa, groin, etc..d.
Is it possible to lose weight, if you often go to the bath?
Treatment of obesity and weight loss in the sauna - very different concepts which, alas, is often confused. Losing weight in a sauna - it's just a loss of fluid (hypohydration), it came up with the athletes to enter the desired weight category. This "slimming" is kept very short and has no relation to the fight against fat. Even regular visits steam bath for six months did not significantly reduce body weight. Although the use of a bath in a comprehensive program to combat obesity still makes sense. It provides some increased metabolism due to the effects of temperature, increased respiration, and especially the skin, as well as the acceleration gain excretory processes due to sweating and capillary current. The maximum effect is achieved by a visit to the sauna after exercise. We should not stay too long in the steam room for a long time, it is better to do a few short but frequent visits and after each wash the sweat necessarily a cool shower or pool.
Does the room to deal with cellulite?
One room will not give much result, but in combination with diet, exercise and massage can be very effective. It is worth recalling that the cause of cellulite is associated with metabolic problems and, above all, with the disruption of the normal movement of interstitial fluid. Bath And here is a good helper, since it has the ability to enhance metabolism, capillary and current and lymph flow.
Is it possible to combine the bath with a pedicure?
Can and should be! After the bath legs and so you will be steamed. If you want to enhance the effect, you can make a foot bath of broth left over from steaming broom. It is clear that to do a pedicure better after the last visit the sauna. And it is better, if at the same time you're in your own bath to avoid getting a fungal infection, which in the public baths are very common.
What is the cosmetic effect of the bath?
He is primarily due to the cleansing of the whole body and skin in particular. The combination of hot, warm and cold water, steam, massage in themselves prolong your youth. Bath allows to warm the whole body sweat, clean it, not only from dirt and the upper stratum corneum, to open the pores, but also to get rid of all kinds of internal toxins. Even if you do not wake apply any additional tools and procedures, visit the pair enhance skin tone and cleanse it. That is why the room is a very women who lost weight dramatically, especially after pregnancy.
What is the reason a rejuvenating effect on the skin bath treatment?
The fact that under the influence of heat more than 1/3 of the entire mass of the body is concentrated blood in the vessels located in the skin. Furthermore, in the skin more than 2 million. Sweat glands through which hot steam under the influence (air) for 20-30 minutes allocated from 600 to 1200 g sweat. Sweating skin vessels is greatly enhanced. All this as a whole and provides the skin a noticeable rejuvenating and regenerative effects. In addition, the bath allows for the sebaceous glands, which is the prevention of early wrinkles (that decrease their activity, we owe the first grooves), as well as brings the skin, regardless of fat or dry it to a normal state. It trains vascular system, including the peripheral and that improves complexion.
As Seen bath affects the oily and problem skin?
By increasing the blood flow softens skin, improves its anti-inflammatory abilities, increases the acidity decreases the formation of acne. Furthermore, bath treatments are removed from the surface of the face bacteria, dust particles, dead skin cells and selection, which often cause blockage of the pores and inflammation.