New Year: give himself up for the week

New Year: give himself up for the week
 Prior to the festive night is only a week, and it seems that this time is short and just do not have time. But to look good and feel confident on the New Year's holiday, you need quite a bit: make a plan and stick to it strictly.
 Start by preparing the skin. A week before the New Year to make cleaning the face. Written in the beauty salon for professional master, since domestic procedures may not have the desired effect. Go through all the stages of purification, add a couple of massages. Seven days a person will go all traces of cleansing, the skin will be renewed and will be perfectly smooth. Three days before the event arrange skin intensive nutrition and hydration: homemade mask, wipe, massage and other treatments should be gentle, but effective. December 31 before Christmas apply makeup, treat skin toning mask, moisten the cloth and, if necessary, make the lifting procedure (apply the mask or special cream).

Well-groomed hair and perfect hairstyle - an important part of your New Year's image. Can be cut and a week before the holiday, it is desirable to experiment with a touch of hair, a new form of hairstyles. If something does not like it, then you have time to correct the error. It is unlikely that you will have time to get to the laying of a New Year's Eve, but if you enroll in advance, you can count on the perfect hairstyle, created by skillful hands.

All procedures for hair removal can be done in a couple of days before the New Year's party. If irritation appears, it will have a chance to rectify the situation.

Three days before the feast join in the eyebrows and eyelashes. If the version with false eyelashes is not for you, then try to increase the artificial fibers, which will look more natural. Eyebrows and eyelashes can be stained for 5 days until the New Year. During this time, a little paint will wash off, and the shade will become more natural. To give the desired shape brows and get rid of excess hair is better for a couple of days, to avoid inflammation.

Soft and gentle for the skin can be achieved week course of mitigation procedures: special baths, nourishing masks and daily treatment with fat cream will make your hands soft and smooth. Manicure, nail and pedicure can be done two days before the party. Then before the holiday you will only need to update the lacquer coating.

Make sure to be well-groomed and relaxed, and everything else can be corrected with the help of a competent makeup and suitable attire.

Tags: holiday, year, new week, leaving the body, the procedure