That is why it has taken its rightful place in cosmetology and medicine. Tea tree oil is also an effective and widely used to treat many gynecological, parasitic, skin, fungal and some infectious diseases. It is well known in dermatology in the complex treatment of psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis, scabies, herpes sores on the skin. The oil has a pronounced wound-healing, anti-viral and anti-inflammatory effects, heals burns well.
Fragrance oil soothes and relaxes the nervous system. In modern cosmetology it is widely used in the treatment of oily skin, hair loss, dandruff, acne at. Wiping with a cotton swab the bite of insects effectively relieves itching and inflammation.
In applying this oil, the main thing that you need to know - it is only intended for outdoor use. In gynecology solutions used oil for douching. In the treatment of the common cold can make inhalation. Several drops of oil added to aromalampu or application aromamedalona beneficial effect on the nervous system, treating sleep disorders.
Skin diseases compresses or take a bath in that add tea tree oil. Doctors recommend in inflammatory diseases of the throat or mouth rinses to produce a solution, which also includes oil (to 1 cup of warm boiled water add 6-9 drops of oil). For oily skin of the face is recommended to do the bath, rubbing.
Despite the wide range of applications, do not forget, and tea tree oil has its contraindications. Namely, that children up to two years, during pregnancy and lactation. Also in the hot season it is necessary to use oil with caution, since it is possible to cause burns to the skin. Stoa also not forget about allergic reactions, so start its application should be cautious.