Contraindications to treatment: diabetes, psoriasis, eczema, varicose veins, hypertension and coronary heart disease, infectious diseases, malignant neoplasms of the skin, fresh tan. In addition, it is impossible for photo-epilation people who have not attained the age of seventeen and pregnant women.
This procedure is very important to choose the right salon. With a good and modern equipment can be carried out individual selection of the light intensity and the number of procedures, which in its effect will be more gentle and effective.
Before the procedure, a specialist in the cabin must be inspected skin and set the desired quantity for each client session. On average, it is necessary to carry out 3-6 treatments every 2-6 weeks. Patient a month before the hair removal can not be used except for shaving other independent hair removal. Therefore, if before the procedure hair grow back strongly, they must shave. At the time of session hair length should be about 1 mm th. In addition, during the 2 weeks before the hair removal can not sunbathe and do not take antibiotics and tranquilizers.
Epilation is virtually painless procedure except unpleasant tingling.
After each hair removal session must adhere to the following rules:
-not to sunbathe for 2 weeks;
-primenyat sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30;
-Do not use cosmetics;
-Don't go to saunas, baths and swimming pool for 3 days.
The duration of the effect of this procedure depends on the individual, but usually an average over several years is guaranteed.