Start eating right. Do not eat fast food, sugary sodas, alcohol, too fatty and salty foods, abstain from food in the evening. Not only do you get rid of cellulite posposobstvuete but also lose weight. Lean on the right foods: fish, nuts, olive oil. So stale fat out of the body.
Tackle sporotom. Classes should be regular and, of course, contain exercises for thighs. If you know that your organization is unlikely to be enough for 2-3 sessions per week, join a fitness club or dance.
Treat your skin thighs: exfoliating, moisturizing, warming mask - such procedures quickly make an appearance problem area more attractive.
Take a Tour of massage, or visit at least a few lessons. After all, cellulite leads to fluid retention and fat in the body, and a massage problem areas are smoothed. Engage massage and independently. Buy a hard sponge and massage her problem areas before taking a shower. Do not be amiss, and contrasting water jet massage.
You should not disparage anti-cellulite. In mild cases, they really help in a month to make your skin smooth.
Drink more water. Make it a rule to drink a glass of water on an empty stomach, for the same day try to drink 1-2 liters.
There is a special anti-cellulite clothing. Wear for 2 hours every day special pants or shorts, and a month later will notice significant changes.