The simpler the means to care for the body, the better the result. And in fact, the best hair conditioner - it honey, excellent moisturizer for the skin - just water. Regular consumption of flaxseed oil to preserve youthfulness of skin and give hair shine. The more in your daily diet natural and wholesome food, the more you will enjoy the site appearance.
In the morning, take a short shower for five minutes, while it is not recommended to use soap, it is also, like hot water, dry skin. Clean carefully the face, replace the morning washing wet compresses. To do this, pour in a cup of warm water and add a few drops of essential oil of lavender or chamomile, if your skin is dry or normal, but if the skin is oily - lemon oil or tea tree. Dampen a gauze or cloth, gently squeeze and apply for a few seconds on the face. In the evening, remove makeup milk, rinse your face and wipe the skin tonic with herbal extracts, but no alcohol.
Moisturize your body and face, right Pick up funds in accordance with the type of your skin. If you are the owner of dry skin, look for products containing sunflower or sesame oil. Women with fatty skin type, use a cream with no oil content. Every time after taking a shower or bath lubricate still wet body lotion or cream. The skin of the eyelids also needs careful care, it requires intensive hydration and nutrition.
To the skin can breathe freely and absorb nutrients, it should be timely release from dead cells. With this task an excellent job exfoliating scrubs on the basis of apricot kernel or green papaya. You can cook your own scrub: Mix two tablespoons of baking soda with half a glass of fine sea salt, add a quarter of the cup olive oil and ten drops of essential oil of ylang-ylang and lavender. Put cooked product onto a damp skin in a circular lightly, leave for five minutes and rinse with warm water.
Do not forget about makeup and shape eyebrows. As sprouting hairs corrects with tweezers. After plucking calm irritated skin extracts of nuts, then fingertips drive in a small amount of honey and a few minutes rinse with water. Eyelid swelling can be reduced by infused with chamomile tea bags, they should keep an eye on the area for fifteen minutes.
Spend every day at least fifteen minutes to exercise, it will not cost a lot of effort, but will get a lot of cheerfulness and positive energy, as well as get rid of the extra inches in problem areas. Start with light elements, and when the muscles get used, can complicate the occupation. Do not throw the workout, because there is no quick results. If possible, join a gym or swimming pool.
Keep track of your hair, split ends clipped periodically, because they give your hair untidiness. Tackle nutrition hair, a great effect is given a mask made at home. Take a tablespoon of burdock or castor oil, honey and fresh lemon juice and one egg yolk. All mix thoroughly and apply the mask on your hair and scalp, put on a plastic cap and wrap a towel. Leave the mask for an hour and rinse with warm water and shampoo. Do not forget the massage of the head, which improves blood circulation and helps to get stronger hair.
Now we should talk about hands. In no case do not paint your nails with bright lacquers, if you do not have the desire or time to take care of the beauty of the hands. If your hands are constantly suffering some negative impact due to your type of business, or varnish just does not stay on your nails, use transparent enamel on it will not be visible defects. At least once a week to do a manicure and salt baths for hands, lubricate the skin nourishing cream special.