Chinese alternative medicine uses knowledge of the five elements for healing the body. The meaning of the methodology is the notion that health, youth and beauty are the result of a good balance of the five elements in the human body. Once, for any reason, this balance is disturbed, there disease, malaise, premature wilting and the like. By the way, the disease is also consistent with the nature elements, which at the moment is in excess or deficiency in the body.
Man is made up of what he eats. Food also meet certain elements, depending on the composition and color, as well as the influence they exert. Thanks to the doctrine of the five elements, you can adjust their health, choosing products, storage, or vice versa, which suppress certain types of energy.
Elements are interconnected with each other. One of the other springs, the flow of energy occurs in a circle clockwise. Wood (green) generates Fire (red), Fire generates Earth (yellow), the Earth produces Metal (white), Metal produces Water (black).
Compliance age stages Rights:
Wood: infancy, childhood
Fire: youth
Plot: maturity
Metal: old age
Water: the extinction of death
To maintain youth and health, a person must take up the elements of wood and fire. From birth, everyone has the propensity to certain elements. This predisposition is for life.
As mentioned above, the products meet the elements of color and texture. Here are some examples:
Wood: every possible greens, immature fruit, taste - sour.
Fire: products red-orange, hot pepper, taste - bitter.
Plot: Products yellowish, juicy, mature, fat, taste - sweet.
Metal: white, brown, dried foods - cereals, tea, etc. Taste - sour, salty.
Water: cold, dark colored products, stale or non-living (meat). The taste of spoiled product.
It must be remembered that the products are usually combine several elements at the same time, one must identify the predominant energy that is suitable for him at the moment. In nature, rare products of the same color, usually - mixed. For example, the cabbage head is both green and white, carrot - yellow, orange and red.
For a better understanding of the subject, it is worth considering some sample recipes that combine all five elements. In the first place everyone's favorite vegetable salad: green represented cucumbers, parsley, dill, red - tomatoes, yellow - sunflower or olive oil, white - onions, black - salt.
In second place - a sandwich with bacon, with fresh herbs and vegetables: green represented wheat bread, parsley, cucumbers, cilantro, red - tomatoes, yellow - cheese, belym- garlic, black - brisket in peasant and salt. On the third - fried pork, where green onions and cucumbers make green tomatoes and beets - red, olive or sunflower oil and carrots - yellow, onions and zucchini - white, black - and salt pork fat.