Pour into a bowl of warm water and add it to your favorite bubble bath. Lower leg in water for 20 minutes. If you do not like foam and bath salt - add salt to the water. The main thing - to the legs was nice and they had time to rest.
After this relaxing procedure, wipe dry and remove the nail polish.
Then pour into a bowl of fresh warm water, again immerse the legs and begin gently and calmly pumice or a special brush to remove calluses and dead skin to clean the heel. Take as much time to this process - in until his legs began to feel soft and smooth.
Then wipe with a dry towel, apply a special lotion from the toes to ankle and massage each foot.
Then gently move the cuticle stick from an orange tree. Cut the nails to the desired length, file off their nail file. Do not get carried away too rounded shape - it threatens ingrown nails. Make a square shape of the nail, if you are not sure - look at fashion magazines dedicated to manicures and pedicures.
Go to the color of paint. Select nail polish and nail nakraste first layer. Do not hurry, do everything carefully. Wait until completely dry and only then apply a second coat. Wait about an hour and go to the next step.
Take olive oil or special oil for cuticles and rub it into the nail bed. Pedicure at home over your toes look great.
As a complement to the procedure of home pedicure massage add special means for the legs containing sugar. This not only softens the skin, relieve swelling and improve blood circulation, but also give you a real pleasure.
Do not think that you need to do a pedicure only in the warmer months - when your feet are visible to others. Remember that you are doing it for yourself, not for others, and to care for themselves there is no seasonal or other restrictions.