Take two pieces of soap, better children, four tablespoons of olive or sunflower oil, one hundred milliliters of hot boiled water, four tablespoons of coffee grounds, three tablespoons coarse sea salt.
Remove all food from the table and put it on the ingredients for soap making. Cook will have using the cooker, so the procedure easier to perform in the kitchen. Cover the table with foil, then to throw it away with the remnants of soap powder. Grab bars of soap and rub them on a coarse grater. Or melt the raw material in the microwave.
Wear goggles and a bandage. This is necessary in order to soap "dust" is not irritating to the eyes and respiratory tract. Now take that capacity that more, pour into it half water. Put it on the stove, heat the liquid to simmer. In a bowl, place a smaller soap and pour oil.
Capacity to put chips in a large pot of boiling water, making sure that the water slopping over. With teaspoon soap mass stir until completely dissolved, adding water periodically. This should be done slowly, then decrease the risk of lumps and the appearance of excess foam. Must obtain a homogeneous plastic mass.
Put into the mixture salt and coffee grounds, carefully stir and simmer for five minutes. Take molds, grease them with olive oil. After that, lay out all the soap mass and leave to dry. This will require 2-3 days at room temperature. Use homemade cosmetic product 2-3 times a week, before the wash foam massage the skin, and after a shower be sure to use a moisturizing or anti-cellulite cream.