The secret to a perfect figure Valeria

The secret to a perfect figure Valeria
 Singer Valeria affects its fans flawless figure, which she was able to save and after the birth of three children. Valeria does not keep secret their methods of preserving the ideal figure. Let's see what famous singer advises his fans.

She is assisted by four rules. This moderation in the use of food, the complete absence of bad habits, a positive attitude and an active lifestyle. As you can see, nothing new and clever here. According to the singer, she almost always excludes dinners. If the hotel has a gym, Valeria must visit it in the morning instead of breakfast.

However, the singer does not take itself too seriously. She believes that people should certainly give from time to time yourself indulgences. After all permanent bans, which he puts himself, can also affect the mental state. Valeria does not hesitate to gain during the holidays a few pounds, because rest is just and necessary to the body comfortable. The singer knows that on returning home, she will get rid of extra pounds in a few days.

Valeria likes to try different short-term diet. Such diets are more effective than long and debilitating hunger strikes. The star also complies with all orthodox positions.

For a long time the singer ranked as the ranks of vegetarians, although she denies this information. Valeria herself says she is omnivorous. Although she does not eat meat for about 10 years, but only because her ex-husband did not eat. So meat singer from time to time uses, but is indifferent to sweets.

One last tip from Valerie: Do you want to have? Go to sleep! When you wake up, do not feel hunger. And do not be lazy. Many people get fat just because of the fact that too lazy to watch her figure.

Tags: diet secret figure, Valery