Stylish secrets of the stars: how to make the waist thinner

Stylish secrets of the stars: how to make the waist thinner
 Some women try to make your waist thinner. Sometimes in the course are grueling training, hard diet, beauty treatments. However, the stars of modern show business does not use these methods. They look slimmer through properly selected clothing.
 Actress Kate Winslet starred in the TV series "Mildred Pierce," says the white color clothes do not look fat woman. White goods can be both lean and full of girls. The main thing - it's not forget about the insert. For example, to visually make the waist thinner, enough to sew the sides of the dress in black insert.

Spanish actress Penelope Cruz also believes that fashion clothing to do with the appearance of a woman wonders. At the premiere of the film "Pirates of the Caribbean" Penelope appeared in a black dress, in which the sides were inserted gold insert. Of course, this detail did waist actress even finer.

Famous actress and model Whitney Port can not be called a complete girl, but she still tries to hide the extra inches. In the course are designer dresses, which are also decorated with dark side inserts. For example, one social event she was dressed in white short dress, in which the sides were sewn black and yellow accents. A narrow waist emphasized the thin purple strap sewn into the product.

Liv Tyler also supports the view of colleagues. One of her dress, which is made by designer Stella McCartney has an optical effect. Monotonous product includes vertical black inserts on the sides, due to it not only benefits the waist, but the figure as a whole.

If you want to visually reduce and hips, buy a skirt classic cut. It should be just below the knee. Top you can put on top of a superior breed. Remember that the bottom should be darker for two or three colors. For women, low growth are ideal dresses or tops with v-neck. And do not forget the side panels, they must be darker than the product itself.

Follow the advice of experienced stylists, and you'll be irresistible!

Tags: Clothing, star, secret figure, waist, Council