Solarium: horizontal or vertical?

Solarium: horizontal or vertical?
 Solarium - a great alternative to many hours lying on the beach. A couple of times a week for 5-7 minutes - and a month later the skin gets juicy deep chocolate color. Moreover, without any white stripes on the leotard, burns and dryness.

It is known that the lamps in the solarium much care of your skin, rather than solar radiation. In addition, in the solarium can find "chocolate" even in severe January frosts, and not while spending on tickets to the Maldives. Magnificent invention, anyway.

There are three kinds of tanning beds: horizontal, vertical, chair solarium. Try to soberly assess the strengths and weaknesses of the first two.


The advantages of this type of tanning include relatively inexpensive compared with the horizontal. During the procedure, you can lie down, relax. Not forbidden to even take a nap without the danger of burn. After the timer is activated automatically turn off the lamp. Another advantage of tanning beds is that the body in it tans completely, including the feet, which are in a vertical tanning bed tan poorly.

Among the shortcomings can be identified that in places where the folds are formed when lying remain white patches of skin. It is believed that in the tanning bed bad tans upper torso. Traditionally lamp tanning bed weaker than in the vertical, and therefore the procedure is more time consuming.

Vertical solarium

Its advantages include hygiene procedures (in the capsule, you almost do not touch any surface that is possible when you're lying in a horizontal installation). It is believed that in a vertical tanning bed is much more effective upper body tans.

Typically, the vertical machines are more powerful lamps than those laid down in the tanning bed. This means that one procedure Sun will take 15-20 minutes and 5-10. This in turn means that the skin is exposed to less radiation time.

Minus vertical solarium - discomfort. After all, few can withstand 10 minutes of standing in the capsule. Most complains of dizziness and ringing in the ears. In the vertical tanning bed erosion is still a danger, for example, a person while in modern sunbeds this possibility is practically impossible.

Of course, the effectiveness of the solarium does not depend on the position in which you will be in it, and the class and wattage. Light-skinned people fit vehicles with low-pressure lamps, dark tan is not contraindicated under high-pressure lamps.

Lamp power is set. S0-watt low-power lamps are suitable white-skinned people, and 180-watt - blacks. Do not forget that the more powerful lamp, the less time it should take tanning session.

And, over the same people who have a lot of moles on the body, birthmarks, any solarium, and a tan at all contraindicated. In order to avoid the development of cancer processes.

As you can see, each type of tanning salons own peculiarities. And because experts tanning salons have come to the conclusion that the choice between them should be based on their personal preference and comfort.

Tags: solarium tan