Need to spend more time outdoors. Walking, jogging, cycling, outdoor games with the children - most importantly how you can spend less time in the four walls and in front of the TV. In this case, before each exit to the street, it is desirable to use the funds to filter ultraviolet radiation.
Women after 30 years it is necessary to strengthen the muscles and try to keep the flexibility of the body. This is facilitated fitness classes, aerobics, swimming, exercises for strength training equipment that will be especially effective if you enter them into the system and attend at least 3-4 times a week.
Special role in the preservation of youth and beauty plays proper nutrition. In order not to gain weight, which after 30 years is quite difficult to lose, you need to follow a few guidelines:
- Use of breakfast foods containing fat and protein (corn bread, vegetables, fruits, eggs);
- A hearty meal, necessarily includes salads, vegetables, dressed with olive oil, and excluding potatoes, flour and sweets;
- Low-calorie dinner of meat, fish, poultry, boiled or stewed with vegetables.
After 30 years should ever give up smoking, which worsens complexion, promotes the formation of wrinkles and a negative effect on the body as a whole. But it's worth noting that this is true for all age groups. In addition, the aging process can speed up the abuse solarium, so it is best to reduce the frequency of his visits to a minimum.
Deserves a separate discussion facial, body and hands. It should be regularly and thoroughly, and it is enough to spend 30 minutes a day. In the morning, you need to wash with cold water or wipe the face with ice cubes: so it is possible to reduce the swelling, narrow pores and improve circulation. Then you should use active cosmetics: serum, moisturizer, vitamin cocktails, and then apply a protective cream with SPF-filter.
In the evening, the skin needs cleansing milk, cosmetic cream, and then restoring the acidity using tonic, lotion, herbal tea. At night, it is necessary to use moisturizing and nourishing creams containing vitamins A and E.
To soften the skin 2 times a month to do a mask that you can buy or make yourself available ingredients: honey, vegetable oil, cream, egg yolks, etc. Proper and regular use of masks give the skin a well-groomed and healthy.
We should not forget that in the care needs not only the facial skin, but also the neck, and décolleté, which uses the same methods of care. In addition, the age of the woman give her hands, so they also need to nourish and moisturize.
In addition, after 30 years there is a need for regular visits to a beautician who will help you choose the right tools for the care and give recommendations for massage, gymnastics and other procedures to prevent skin aging.