Beauty Secrets of Japanese women

Beauty Secrets of Japanese women
 Japanese women - famous long-liver, but for many years remain young and attractive. All this thanks to several principles that they try to follow throughout life.
 The most effective procedure to maintain the beauty and health of Japanese women find daily massage of the face, which allows them to maintain a "porcelain" skin. He performed in the morning and in the evening light touch fingertips skin, very slowly for five minutes. For this massage need only natural vegetable oils.

Apply on the skin oil, and then walk around a light touch massage lines. Hold on a point between the eyebrows, press it, count to five and release. The same procedure for the points located on the wings of the nose at the end of the cartilage. After the procedure, wipe the face with a damp cloth.

Japanese women use natural cosmetics. Its members often include pearl and silk protein. Body care Japanese women use sea salt. It is mixed with the juice of aloe, dried seaweed, clay, and rub this mixture of the body half an hour before receiving water treatments.

Several systems of oriental gymnastics help Japanese beauties to keep fit. The main attention is paid Japanese exercises that develop flexibility and mobility of the spine. Residents of Japan almost do not use exercises with weighting, principal place they occupy stretching and deflections.

Paying particular attention to Japanese food. Very small portions of various dishes for each meal - is the norm. At the table in any case can not rush the process of saturation should be meaningful. Japanese women eat only steamed, fried or stewed foods. Meat prefer fish and bread - rice cakes. Sausages and semi-finished products - are not allowed in the diet of Japanese women.

From drinks in Japanese beauties is the most popular green tea, rich in antioxidants, vitamins A and E, help cleanse the body, giving vitality and youthfulness.

Tags: face massage, beauty, woman, secret, cosmetics, protein