The methods of rejuvenation. Real analogues fabulous rejuvenating apples

The methods of rejuvenation. Real analogues fabulous rejuvenating apples
 Cleopatra milk baths, love joy King David with young girls, Rejuvenating apples - in the history of mankind has invented many ways to rejuvenate as really working or just worthy to be mentioned in fairy tales. But the way of rejuvenation - it's not the case when we can say that the best is already invented before us, and come up with a long time. New techniques, recipes and money every day occupy a niche in the factory youth, getting fans who want to stay young in body and spirit. Each technique can find its fans, otherwise it would simply not exist. But women's magazine offers JustLady talk about the most popular methods of rejuvenation accessible to modern man.

And let's just define what we mean by youth? Do not rush to answer that youth - a facial skin without wrinkles. In fact, there are many signs of a young body, and skin young person not only in the absence of wrinkles is. Tightened figure, positive thinking, the health of all organs and systems of the body - as the most that neither is necessarily a sign of youth.

Can it be so globally? Are there ways to rejuvenate working immediately on all fronts, and can make the youth stay with us a little longer? If you doubt this, remember the saying, "We - that is what we eat," and at once all will fall into place.

Methods for rejuvenation: the power

Buy expensive face cream and wait expectantly results parallel sipping some new-fangled soda or eating a huge amount of daily coffee - the wrong approach. The fact that the cream did not give any addition of vitamins, minerals and trace elements which are necessary for the cells of the skin of the normal operation.

But all these nutrients in sufficient quantity contained in foodstuff. However, not all. Vegetables, fruits, herbs, fish - that's "basket" of basic products of youth and beauty of our skin. If other testedmethods of rejuvenation you do not seem to be very effective, simply join in their diet seriously. Starting to eat rationally, you not only literally rejuvenate the skin and make it more vivid color, but also save the youth of the whole organism.

Ask the older generation, when they learned that is cellulite. It is unlikely that someone from mothers or grandmothers thought about solving this problem since 20 years ago. And all because that would solve nothing special. Yes, there were thin and fat people, but cellulite, the lack of which today rarely boast even slender girls, almost was not.

Of course, even 20 years ago sedentary work was not so common, and people move more. Yet one of the main reasons for the appearance of cellulite and doctors and beauticians called modern diet. All kinds of synthetic additives, soft drinks, a large number of coffee, fried, spicy food - all sources of toxins that remain in the adipose tissue, forming deposits.
The methods of rejuvenation. Real analogues fabulous rejuvenating apples

The methods of rejuvenation: cosmetics and beauty treatments

The role of nutrition in the process of rejuvenation of the body is very great. But it so happened that the aging process in the body triggered not only by internal factors, but also external. Exposure to the sun, wind, dust on the skin - is also the most important factors that accelerate the aging process. That Is Whymethods of rejuvenation must provide their neutralization.

Here we have come to battle cosmetics to not only provide hydration, nutrition or lifting, but also protect your skin from the harmful effects of the environment.

Protect, moisturize and nourish the skin as possible at home, and with the help of beauticians who offer a range of beauty treatments for skin care. And again, it's not just about facial skin, which is against the background of sagging skin and well-groomed body will look at least strange. Therefore, in the process of home skin care products do not forget to apply cosmetics on the area of ​​the neck, chest, and provide adequate care skin of hands, feet and body.

The methods of rejuvenation. Real analogues fabulous rejuvenating apples

The methods of rejuvenation: hardware cosmetology

Lifting without a scalpel and injections, liposuction without surgery - today these and many other procedures have become available thanks to the latest developments in the field of hardware cosmetology. Available cosmetologists laser devices, devices that generate radio frequency energy, helps direct effects on the skin streams of water, and with proper selection of beauty treatments can be achieved significant results, using effective, but non-surgicalmethods of rejuvenation.

Again, that is the correct selection procedure or set of procedures - is the key to the effectiveness of hardware cosmetology. Therefore, in choosing to focus only on the procedures they can not advertise. The last word should be for a beautician, who will assess the condition of your skin and will pick the best option hardware impact on her.

The methods of rejuvenation: plastic surgery

All at once - it's about plastic surgery. Despite the huge number of non-invasivemethods of rejuvenation, Plastic surgeons still remain popular. And there is nothing strange, because the number of years from which you can get rid surgically removed still not even the most expensive creams and new cosmetology devices.

However, here affects not only the rule of "all at once", but also a law that beauty demands victims. Postoperative bruises, stitches, pain, but all the "amenities" associated with any surgery, including possible risks need to be taken for granted, taking the decision to conduct surgery for rejuvenation.

Methods rejuvenation massage

Combine business with pleasure? Yes, easily. Cosmetic massages given the opportunity to feel like a queen twice: once during the session, when the beautician makes all kinds of massage manipulation, and then while looking at his reflection in the mirror, which is sure to please refreshed skin color some physical exercises contours of the face, a little wrinkles.

Independently carry out rejuvenating massage succeed unlikely, although there are such techniques, for example, Japanese shiatsu massage. But the most effective, yet are techniques that are owned by cosmetologists. Why doctors? Yes, because the most advanced massage techniques, giving a significant effect of rejuvenation, based on knowledge of the anatomy of the face and body.

The methods of rejuvenation: a positive outlook on life

Youth and beauty fade and lost against the background of gloom, anger, irritability and perpetual dissatisfaction is happening around. But anger is also a trace in the form of wrinkles on the nose leaves.

But the combination of smiles, good mood, well-groomed skin and toned figure - it's really young at the very best. This combination allows you to think about the actual number of years, only in the study of their own passports.

 Inna Dmitrieva
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: method, technique, apple, analogue, rejuvenation