Secrets of femmes fatales

Secrets of femmes fatales
 Fatal woman left behind a trail of gossip, gossip, broken hearts and secrets. The laurels of these ladies do not give rest to many beauties. Someone wants to be like his ideal, and someone is afraid, as of fire, these insidious thief of hearts. But the secrets of femmes fatales are trying to unravel the many. And the answers must be sought in their biographies.

Femme fatale in history there were many. But this glory was given this lady is not just. Femme fatale always had to work on ourselves, to cultivate, to learn from their predecessors, and even to step on the throat of his female vanity.

Provincial Creole Josephine met Napoleon Bonaparte at 32 with two children in her arms and a failed marriage behind him. In such a ripe old age in those days women practically "written off". And Josephine looked older - the matter is that wrinkles, black teeth from caries. However, persistent Creole spends the remaining savings on courses for noble ladies and hanging on his house countless mirrors. So Josephine hones graceful gait, manners and grace, parallel tidying their appearance. Her bedroom is transformed into a boudoir, and at the same time in a beauty salon. Josephine learns deep laugh, smile restrained so as not to attract attention to his mouth, studying "shoot eyes."

During familiarization with the 26-year-old Napoleon she is so fascinated by his own social receptions coquetry, graceful movements and simpering smile that instantly captured the hearts conceited careerist. It Empress Josephine Parisians weaned from scarlet blush and introduced the fashion of secular pallor. All the time spent on Josephine rejuvenating treatments: wraps and masks, enemas and cleansing, fragrant baths and numerous outfits. No wonder Napoleon in his impassioned letters confessed his beloved: "You instilled in me a passion, drunkenness ... The ability to feel you - for me the ultimate happiness."

Marquise de Pompadour, the famous mistress and the mistress, femme fatale gained fame thanks to his ability to be unpredictable and interesting. She knew her strength that she is able to amaze and surprise men, women and especially jaded luxury. Pompadour gracefully used role play and costumes, incredible sexy pose and his excellent acting skills reincarnation.

Fatal Marilyn Monroe reached its Olympus with incredible difficulty. Her gait sexual dream to learn modern stars, she imitated and imitate women around the world. There were rumors that Marilyn - limping from nature, but still not very tall (162 cm), but perfected gait easily allows you to hide these flaws. Plus a very hindered fashion 50s long tight dress in which women could or seeds, or at all to stand. Marilyn long and hard science comprehended wagging her hips, holding a glass bottle between his ankles. This is the famous walk from the hip fatal beauty Monroe.

Sophia Loren - not only brilliant socialite, but also the owner of overly sexy low voice that drives men crazy. Gentle whisper, rolling in the chest voice, gave a speech Sophia Loren and charming heady notes.

Lilya Brik bewitch men his keen intellect and the ability to pay compliments. Men like moths flying in a trap of its softness and intelligence. Her secret is that she forbade himself to say banal things. She was sure "to inspire a man and his remarkable genius, allowing him to do things that are forbidden at home. The rest will make good shoes and silk underwear ... ".

Perhaps each of the femme fatale has a secret seduction - there are exactly as many real women on earth. But one thing they have in common: the image of the femme fatale is always associated with intelligence, disobedient, and lust for life!

Tags: man, attitude, woman, world, and the deceitfulness, Marilyn