Narrow waist - beautiful waist?

Narrow waist - beautiful waist?
 Narrow waist - one of the signs of feminine beauty and harmony. But what to do when this place settled down body fat? Meekly accept their new shape, attribute it to age or genetic predisposition? And maybe bring back beautiful waist with exercise and diet? Up to you.

Diet for a beautiful waist

To form a beautiful, thin waist, it is desirable to revise their food. Try to limit sugary and fatty food, eliminate from the diet of pastries and fast food, fizzy drinks replace with clean drinking water.

No need to "diet", enough to eat healthier versions of your favorite dishes and do not forget about the fruits and vegetables. Eat small meals five times a day. Do not overeat, especially at night.

Exercises, forming a narrow waist

Only diet narrow waist is not achieved, and will have to increase physical activity. Perform special exercises for abdominal muscles. It does not take a lot of time and does not require financial investment, because you can deal with at home.

Select to exercise a certain time and try not to miss classes. Do not need to train every day fanatically, pay gym for an hour three times a week.

A set of exercises for the formation of a narrow waist

Lying on your back, bend his knees, his hands behind his head rewound, feet on the floor. Tilted to the side bent legs, trying to touch the floor. Press keep on their toes, back, do not release from the floor.

Lying on your back, bend your knees, hands, pull your sides, palms down. Lift the hips up, straining the abdominal muscles, stopping at the highest point for a few seconds.

Lying on your back, bend at the knees and elbows. Lift the upper body, lifting the blade from the floor, thus straining the muscles of the abdomen.

Lying on your side, bend your knees and cross them, feet firmly on the floor. Rely on the one hand, the second rewound his head. Raise and lower your upper body, straining the most press.

Lying on your stomach, place your toes on the floor, hands clasped in castle keep ahead. Raise your body up to body forms a straight line. Per minute Hold at this position. Abdominal muscles try to keep on their toes.

Kneeling, abruptly sit up straight, then left.

Standing, feet shoulder width apart, hands on your head. Follow the slopes, try to touch the knees elbows.

Each exercise is performed in two sets of fifteen times, gradually increasing the number of repetitions to twenty-five.

During the day, follow the "invisible" exercises for the formation of a beautiful waist - tense and relax your abdominal muscles. This can be done anytime and anywhere, least effort, and the effect will delight you.

Skin Care in the abdomen

During the period of active formation of a thin waist do not forget about skin care. Special firming cream - it's good, but not a less pronounced effect does the use of oils, such as olive. After a shower rub cream or oil in the skin of the abdomen, gently massaging it in a clockwise direction.

Taking care of the abdomen, performing simple exercises and a bit limiting himself in power, very soon you will become a happy owner of a beautiful and narrow waist.

Tags: muscle, stomach, waist, exercise