Lose weight in a week to 10 kg: how to achieve success

Lose weight in a week to 10 kg: how to achieve success
 By the summer of almost every girl sits on a diet to lose weight in time to a bathing season. It has plenty of time and you can not rush, but sometimes it happens that an urgent need to put himself in the proper form for a very short time. So you need to choose the best way to lose weight, to a week in the mirror to see Thumbelina.

To lose weight quickly, you first need to revise your diet: forget about the food after 18 hours, do not eat fatty foods, forget about the sweet and flour products. Then choose for your body most acceptable diet.

Buckwheat diet gives a good result, if strictly adhered to. To do this, you need to stock up on buckwheat and not retreat a single step. In the evening, a glass of buckwheat pour boiling water in a ratio of 1 \ 3, no spices, including salt, can not be added. Morning porridge is ready for use. In addition to it, you can drink low-fat yogurt. After a week of weight loss will reach 10 kg, especially if combined with exercise. Buckwheat diet also helps to eliminate excess fluid from the body.

Celery diet is producing positive results, you can lose weight very quickly. To do this all week eating only celery soup. On the market or in the supermarket you need to buy a bunch of green leaves of celery, 2 large onions, half a kilo of tomatoes. All this changes, chopped and thrown into boiling water. After 20 minutes, the soup is ready. Salt and pepper impossible. There it can be in any amount and at any time.

Apple diet for people with low acidity of the stomach. If the acidity is increased, you can earn yourself an ulcer, so it's best not to risk it. All week should eat only apples and green tea without sugar. Variety can be selected independently. More than 1, 5 kg of apples a day use is not recommended. Parallel enjoyment.

There is also a kefir diet, but it is hard to bear, since in addition to yogurt to eat all week nothing is impossible. However, if you have a powerful force of will, sure that will stand boldly sits on yogurt. It is very efficient.

Do not forget that the body during many diets need vitamins, so be sure to purchase a pharmacy vitamin complex, otherwise the body can not cope with such a shock.

Tags: week