Intimate hair removal at home

Intimate hair removal at home
 Many women can not put up with hair in the intimate area of ​​the body. Therefore have to constantly deal with them. But not all are solved contact the salon to specialists because of their shyness. Therefore spend caring for bikini area yourself at home.

Hair removal in the intimate zone can be deep - this removes all pubic hair, labia and buttocks. This procedure also is called Brazilian hair removal. And if you want to remove only the hairs protruding from unsightly trunks swimsuit, then spend a shallow hair removal bikini area. And she and the other procedure is very unpleasant and painful.


The most common way is normal shaving. This removes hairs only on the surface, they just cut off. Since hair grows so fast, the next day there is an unpleasant sensation - tingling. Furthermore, when shaving often occurs irritation, itching, scratching.


If you want to make a shallow waxed bikini, that is, remove the hairs from the skin of naked bathing suit, they can pull out with tweezers. This procedure is very painful. So try to tighten the skin and pluck hairs in the course of their growth. It's a little easier discomfort. Lubricate the treated surface emollient cream, a few minutes to calm down the skin and redness pass. The effect of such hair removal will delight about two weeks.

Depilatory creams

The stores have a wide variety of creams to remove hair from any part of the body, including the intimate area. The structure is part of a special chemical that destroys the structure of the hair. But before embarking on hair removal, test for allergies. To do this, try to put a little cream on a small area of ​​the skin if it does not turn red and swelling appears, you can safely begin the procedure.

Hair removal itself is conducted is very simple. The cream is applied in a thin layer on the skin surface, and after a certain period of time (in accordance with the instruction) is sent a special spatula. Then cream residues washed with warm water. Chemical hair removal really dries the skin, so it is advisable to moisten the surface treated with a nourishing cream. When using depilatory creams should remember the rule - to use them only on those parts of the body for which they are intended, information can be found on the packaging and in the instructions.


For the most courageous women have another way to get rid of hair in the bikini area - use electrodepilator. Many have used such devices, carrying out epilation feet and hands, and know that this procedure is very painful. And even the latest models electrodepilator can not completely get rid of the discomfort. And the skin in the intimate area of ​​the body is so sensitive that decide on such a test can not do everything.

Before the procedure, you need to take a bath to steam the skin. After the bath, treat the surface bikini alcohol lotion. To reduce pain during epilation, you can gently pull the skin. Once again it is recommended to wipe the treated surface with an alcohol lotion to avoid of infection. The hair after the action electrodepilator not appear within two weeks.

Hair removal intimate zone at home painful and ineffective. Therefore it is better to have the courage and seek the services of specialists.

Tags: plot, hair, home, condition, cream, hair removal, removal, area, bikini, shaving, electrodepilator, depilatory, tingling