How to freshen up for the New Year

How to freshen up for the New Year
 Look good on New Year's night dream women of all ages. This will require some effort, but they will pay off admiring glances your family and friends.
 New Year's taken to meet in full uniform, and that is why the preparation for it begins many days before its beginning. Bring myself up to the main night of the year can be anyone, you only set a goal and do not depart from it.

Take a good look at yourself in the mirror. Ask yourself honestly, what would you change that correct? Perhaps a busy November at work gave itself felt in the form of dull complexion recruited kilograms or constant fatigue. For all it's worth paying attention to, since these facts play a crucial role in your appearance.

Relax. The last two weeks of the year to be used for recuperation that will look much better. Sleep at least eight hours a night, try to do the same afternoon breaks.

Add activity. Sport helps improve blood circulation, enhance mood and bring your body back in order. Sign up for the pool or the fitness center or arrange a gym right at home. Simple stretching and strengthening the muscles it is possible to perform a home than you and should take about a month before the new year. Three - four sessions a week for an hour, and you'll feel much better, which means an attractive appearance and New Year's Eve.

Go to proper nutrition. Prepare the body to attack ten-greasy and heavy food. Limit your intake of sweets, fatty and fried foods, alcohol, coffee and gazirovok. Eat as many fresh fruits and vegetables.

Take care of your skin. A week before the main night do body peeling with a stiff sponges or scrub. After that, her lotions moisturize daily. On the face should care more carefully, because it is the condition of the skin on it depends on how you look in photos.

Perform daily cleansing, use tonics and lotions, and, of course, do not forget about good moisture creams. December thirty-first take the time to make energy mask - it will help your skin recover tone and resist cigarette smoke and other unpleasant factors due to which the person fades.

Tags: year, new order