How to enhance a tan in the solarium

How to enhance a tan in the solarium
 Lack of sunlight adversely affects the mood and feeling. Solarium not only gives the skin a golden hue, but also fills the body with energy, improves the immune system and improves mood.
 Under the action of ultraviolet light in the cells of the synthesis of vitamin D. It is responsible for the absorption of calcium, lack of which threatens to osteoporosis (brittle bones) in adulthood. The body needs this vitamin all year round.

Solarium, especially in the winter months, is also justified and enhance immunity by ultraviolet rays. But the main incentive to have a chocolate color of the skin of modern young women is the desire to be sexy and attractive throughout the year.

To reduce the adverse impact on the UV-rays and get the desired skin color in a very short time, it is necessary to know some rules. Pre person must be thoroughly cleaned of makeup. The body should be treated with scrub and wash in the shower. Traces of cosmetics can leave spots on the body and threaten to allergic reactions.

The use of special funds to reduce the risk of complications. Cosmetics for tanning is divided into 3 groups. Activators allow to get a darker shade, developers increase the production of melanin, the tan prolongatory make more sustainable.

Cosmetics for tanning works on a different principle than the beach, so it is necessary to use special tools. They are primarily focused on the hydration of the skin. It is known that a well-hydrated skin passes on 30-50% UV-rays more than dry. Correctly chosen vehicle will reduce the time spent in the tanning bed at 1, 5-2 times, and the result will be much better.

Along with the usual vitamins, minerals and trace elements that are part of the usual creams, cosmetics for tanning contains special ingredients. For example, hemp oil enhances the perception of UV-rays by 35%, the peptides MAP increase the production of melanin, a vegetable acid reduces DNA damage from UV exposure, Tingle (agent based on formic acid) accelerates blood circulation and contributes to more efficient production of sunburn.

Do not exceed the recommended time spent in the tanning bed. This is usually not more than 10 minutes per visit. Be sure to use moisturizing and nourishing lotion after the session. In performing these simple rules you in the shortest possible time to obtain a stable tan desired shade, and the skin will be moisturized and healthy.

If you decide to regularly visit a solarium, consult your doctor - for some diseases it is contraindicated.

Tags: solarium, cosmetics, tanning, prolongator, Tingle