How to change the shape of the breast

How to change the shape of the breast
 Beautiful breasts - is the pride of a woman, the object of desire of a strong half of mankind. But a certain part of the fair sex is dissatisfied with his chest. Some people do not like the size (too small or, conversely, large), volume, and someone form.
 Radical way to adjust the shape of the breast (eg, chest lost form with age or as a result of breastfeeding one or more children) - is to have plastic surgery. The operation focused on breast lift, mastopexy is called. There are several types of braces.

Full mastopexy

The indications for this operation are dramatic changes in breast shape. When it is complete in the lower lobe of the breast (where was cut) scars, however, over time they become almost invisible.

Crescent lift

This intervention is shown with a small deletion of the breast. During this operation removes a piece of skin above the areola and nipple is raised a little higher.

Lift Bonelli

This is one of the most sparing operations for changing the shape of the breast. The skin is cut in the shape of a donut around the areola, and then sewn to it though. The more tissue is cut around the nipple, the showiness lift.

Lift-Bonelli Lollilop

Operation suitable for women whose breast needs much correction, but need not yet fully mastopexy occurs. Lift combines the above (by Bonelli) action and in addition to this incision to areola of the breast fold lower.

There are alternative ways to change the shape of the breasts without resorting to surgery. To start pick yourself a good bra. Underwear shops offer a wide range of bras in various shapes and sizes with silicone tab, allows you to visually not only improve the shape of breasts, but also to make it perfect.

Avoid sudden changes in weight. Sudden weight loss or a set of extremely adverse effect on the shape of the breast - it may droop.

Do not take too hot bath. Cool, invigorating shower creates a lifting effect, helps to improve the shape of breasts.

Strengthen chest muscles with special exercises with dumbbells (you can instead take a book or a bottle of water). Do exercises in the supine position, throwing his hands in different directions. Push-ups also help to strengthen the chest muscles, and thus improve its shape.

Do breast massage in a circular motion two or three times to the left and right at least once a day. This will improve the blood circulation in the tissues, tones breasts.

Use special creams and gels designed to correct breast shape (they are sold in beauty stores and pharmacies).

Tags: shape, muscle, breast, massage, exercise, strengthening, lifting