Unloading Week

Unloading Week
 In St. Petersburg sanitary Medical Institute researchers have developed a unique contrast diet that is easily tolerated by people suffering from obesity. It gives amazing results due to the discharge of the week.
 During the whole month of a person eats as used. A diet for a week unloading should include five meals. During this period definitely reduced consumption of food containing fats and carbohydrates. This reduces and calories. At the same time retained the amount of protein required for normal.

Immediately it should be noted that fasting days a week is contraindicated in pregnant and lactating women. If the discharge reaches the critical days, it is better to move to their end. In any chronic diseases such a diet should be under the supervision of a physician. And while they unloaded all exacerbations prohibited. Alcohol should completely give up, because it interferes with the removal of fat from the body.

Fasting days help to solve three problems to man. Firstly, there is the body rest from digestion of excessive amounts of food. Then, all the organs are cleansed of toxins and impurities. And further there is a smooth transition to a balanced diet.

Benefits of fasting days is due to the loss of mass energy supply. As a result, the body starts backup mechanism. That is, the necessary energy is replenished through the consumption of fat reserves. If the discharge does not occur more than a week, then it can not harm the body.

During unloading in humans accelerates metabolism, and acid-base balance returns to normal. Intestine works in careful mode, and the cardiovascular system rests. Consequently, in this period worth restrict the mental and physical load. For six days people healthier and lose weight naturally.

In drawing up the menu unloading week is important to consider the time of year and tolerability of various products. The main dish for the whole week - vegetable soup. It is prepared as follows: one Kachan cabbage, 6 bulbs, two or three tomatoes, two bell peppers, a bunch of celery crumble and filled with water. Boil the soup must be 10-15 minutes. Then reduce the heat to low and cook vegetables until tender. You can spice up the dish with salt and pepper.

In addition to the soup should be taken in a variety of food products that meet certain days. For example, one day will be "apple", the other "milk." The third "egg-cheese" next "fish", the "vegetable" and "meat". During the unloading is not necessary to take in food bread and fizzy drinks. It is recommended to drink plenty of water.

The soup can be eaten in any quantity when there hunger. Skin and fat from the meat should be thoroughly removed, there are low-fat dairy products. Vegetable oil once a week. Fruits and vegetables need about 1, 5-2 kg of meat and dairy products is about 400-700 g

Unloading week helps get rid of 5-6 kg of excess weight and feel the influx of health and energy. Importantly, only then stick to a healthy diet and not overeat.

Tags: Week, Men, diet, the use of