Summer Post

Summer Post
 In the summer falls two posts Petrov post and the Assumption. Austerity last of them approaching Lent. However, summer positions carry much easier due to the abundance of fresh fruits, berries and vegetables.

Petrovsky post begins a week after the feast of the Holy Trinity and lasts until July 12 - the day before the memory of the holy Apostles Peter and Paul. The duration of this post is different and depends on when Easter is celebrated, and this is known to be a floating date. In some years, the length of the post can be compared to Lent. However, fasting is not strict. On Tuesdays and Thursdays allowed wine and dairy products, and even on weekends and fish.

Second post, the Assumption, begins Aug. 14 and lasts two weeks. Austerity is equivalent to Lent, that is, requires giving up all animal products, including the fish.

Post - it's not just cleansing the body of toxins, it is primarily a test of humility and willpower. In addition, the post puts a lot of moral prohibitions. Man at this time is to work hard and do only good deeds.

In the old days the majority of the population adheres to post their bodies were accustomed to this. Now people used to eat varied, consume food that is not peculiar to the region of residence. Abandon this extremely difficult, including for the body, because he was used to getting some trace of meat and fish. If you want to learn how to stick to the post, the posts for this summer can be very useful. Fruits, vegetables and herbs will be the basis of your diet. From dairy products, you can leave low fat cottage cheese and yogurt, which will improve digestion and prevent calcium deficiency. Meat can be replaced by mushrooms and fish. Will be useful compote of fresh berries and fruits.

You have to completely eliminate from your diet bread and other flour products. Cereal turn your attention to oats. Its decoction helps get rid of excess weight and quickly remove toxins. For the preparation put oats in wet gauze for 2-3 days and let him bark. Then pour boiling water and cook for 1, 5 - 2 hours, over low heat. Strain, cool and drink half a cup half an hour before a meal. This is a great snag for the stomach.

For breakfast, you can cook the curd, add the fresh fruit and nuts and season with yogurt or low-fat sour cream spoon.

For lunch, prepare a salad of tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers and season it with herbs and olive oil. Try not to add salt, better replace it with cheese.

Instead of lettuce can be cooked curd snack. For this well-mash cheese, add the chopped herbs and a little garlic. Fill with sour cream or yogurt, salt and pepper, mix thoroughly. Can diced tomatoes slices and spread them on this ground. Very tasty, nutritious, and most importantly - useful!

As for soups, their diversity depends on your imagination. You can cook a traditional Spanish tomato soup gazpacho. It is necessary to pour over boiling water and peel 3-4 ripe tomatoes and beat them in a blender with herbs, spices, garlic clove, juice of one lemon or lime juice and salt. Then finely chop the cucumber and put it in the gazpacho.

Another option soup - a traditional summer hash. For it is necessary to take boiled potatoes, cucumber, radishes, greens. All this grind. Replace meat with fish or simply excluded. In Russia traditionally hodgepodge seasoned kvass, in the eastern countries, this fermented milk products - yogurt or ayran. In the Mediterranean, can be found on the hodgepodge tomato juice.

Soup, which in the winter time taken to cook with sauerkraut, in summer you can cook with fresh cabbage, nettle or sorrel.

Main dishes can also be varied - fritters of zucchini, eggplant stuffed with carrots, peppers stuffed with spicy cabbage or potatoes with mushrooms, turnip porridge, vegetable stew. All this can be prepared in water, without the use of oil, thus making the dish even more useful and reducing calories to a minimum.

For dinner prepare juice or compote of fresh berries and fruit snack.

Tags: Men, summer, meals, fasting