Single dry fasting: the rules of the

Single dry fasting: the rules of the
 System of cleansing the body through regular fasting has long proven to be effective. Mode of fasting days is individually controlled by doctors. Single dry fasting suggests that people will be a long time to go without food and drink. That the measure has led to positive results, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules of conduct.
 When you first decide to engage in wellness starvation choose one-day method of fasting days. Starvation will last no more than 24-36 hours, and an inexperienced person will be easier to deal with it. Some nutritionists say that one day such abstinence is able to rejuvenate the human body for 3 months. Fasting days allow the internal organs to relax, lose weight and improve immunity. Regular diurnal fasting teach self-control, and then it will be easier to sit on a long diet.

Dry fasting is recommended in specialized recreation complexes or spas. For all its efficiency, this system has contraindications and becomes a lot of stress on the body. Be careful and follow the advice of a competent physician.

Specify in advance the date of discharge day and spend it in a calm sanatorium or home setting, without being distracted by things that require you to great physical and emotional strength. Preparation for the start of the fasting day - do not drink alcoholic beverages, do not smoke and be moderate in eating. Some experts recommend the whole day to adhere to a vegetarian menu. To do this, buy fresh fruits grown in your area - enzyme system is better assimilate them.

Eat fresh juices, green tea, filtered water with a little lemon juice. After 18:00, you can only drink a glass of water. More (until the next evening) you anything you can not eat or drink. "Dry Day" usually begins after the last ingestion of water and ends with taking the first glass of liquid after 24-36 hours.

The next morning find yourself a pleasant experience that will distract you from thinking about hunger. You can leisurely walk in the fresh air, read a fascinating novel, or scroll through the video that you've always wanted to see. A good option - a favorite hobby that does not require large energy consumption (embroidery, knitting, drawing, etc.). Finally, try to sleep longer. In sanatorium hard mode dry fasting is much easier to make, as you will support the society such as hunger and doctors.

Immediately after the fasting day in any case can not go for a large amount of junk food. Rested digestive organs need to "accelerate" gradually to the stress of fasting is not replaced by a much more severe stress to the body - overeating. Start the day with a warm shower is recommended to help relieve the tension. Drink a glass of water or juice, eat green apple.

Come out to the normal diet gradually. Nutritionists advise to stick to such a scheme: the first day drink only water and juices, eat fruit (except bananas and grapes); on the second day for lunch, add a salad with vegetable oil; On the third day, enter the menu porridge. Well cleanses the intestines salad of shredded carrots and cabbage with lemon juice or grapefruit. On the fourth day after the "dry unloading" you can eat as usual, but you will already be easier to stick to a simple rule - do not overeat.

Single dry fasting doctors recommend repeating first one once a month, and then (in the absence of contraindications) - once every 1-2 weeks. Konetsnoy purpose of this discharge should be a gradual transition to the principles of a healthy balanced diet.

Tags: system, cleansing, fasting, holding, body