Poslenovogodnyaya unloading

Poslenovogodnyaya unloading
 Prolonged holidays can not be attributed to periods of abstinence of food - people eat plentifully, hearty and rich in calories. Back to the old form after the Christmas excesses can be very difficult mentally and physiologically. Make an effort and work out a strategy to correct lifestyle.
 The fact that it is necessary to get rid of extra pounds, it becomes clear after a couple of weeks of malnutrition - you feel heaviness in the whole body, your favorite jeans were small, and the stomach is accustomed to abundant food and requires constant load. Understanding that the problem really exists, comes after a weigh-in - hand mercilessly shows an increase in the number of kilograms. It's time to lose weight.

Begin fasting period smoothly and gradually. The body can not create a stressful situation dramatically depriving him of food. Starving the body starts to lay stocks, and when you stop dieting, it requires more food. Transition to proper nutrition can begin to increase the proportion of vegetables in the diet. Gradually replace harmful vegetables dishes, refuse roasted and salted. Cook soups, they are well saturated and contain few calories. Avoid pastries, cakes and sweet fruit.

After the Christmas holidays to get rid of toxins and pollutants that have accumulated during the use of harmful food. To do this, train yourself to drink a lot: at least two liters of fluid a day. These can be herbal teas, mineral or plain water, green tea, and carbonated sugary drinks, juices and coffee have to take time off.

Proclaim "prohibition". Do not drink alcohol in any form. Alcohol contributes to dehydration, and in combination with fatty food is a source of extra calories.

Be sure to combine dietary restrictions with moderate exercise. If you've been active in sports, continue training in the usual way. After a long break can be a smooth transition is required. Start with a morning exercise, then add regular exercise. Try to walk more, climb the stairs, do passive exercises. Physical activity is very important during weight loss. Losing pounds leads to sagging of the skin, which can always be maintained in good shape. Do not forget about nourishing and moisturizing treatments: wraps, anti-cellulite massage, invigorating sensation showers, etc.

Tags: Weight, kg, unloading