Light diet

Light diet
 In pursuit of a slender figure and beautiful people sometimes forget about their own health, and in fact there are many diets and weight loss techniques that can be harmful. In order to protect the body from stress during the struggle with being overweight, has been developed gentle power system.

Before you know what is a light diet, I want to dwell on all the pros and cons of such a system power.

A definite plus - a mild cleansing effect by eating small portions, but often (fractional). As a result of hunger, which causes you to overeat, does not occur, and the work of the digestive tract is improved. Sparing diet diet based on protein food that does not deplete muscle tissue, burned only accumulated fat.

When light diet to exclude from its menu fats and carbohydrates, which can cause discomfort in the body. Pounds melt away before our eyes, but only at the expense of output fluid, so when you go to a normal diet, you can gain weight again, and this is certainly less of such a diet.

If you do decide to try sparing diet, remember that its main task - is to ensure the maximum comfort digestive organs. You can not: hot, cold, hot, sour, salty, peppered and alcohol. Food maximum teased (meatballs, meatballs, mashed potatoes, etc.).

So, one of the options sparing diet:

Breakfast: unsweetened green tea or organic coffee.

Lunch: cheese - '40

Lunch: cheese - 20 grams, boiled egg boiled - 1 pc., Boiled meat (chicken, beef, veal) - 110 g

Dinner: lean boiled meat - 110 g vegetable salad dressed with unrefined oil.

At night: a glass of mint broth.

Of course, it's pretty strict diet, this diet can add oatmeal or rice porridge.

Vegetables and fruits, it is desirable to use a heat treatment readability, and you have to be careful, because some of them are capable of causing stagnation and accumulation of gases (eg, beans, cabbage, radish, etc.).

Remember, sweets, white chocolate and muffin - it's just poison for our stomach.

At first, very hard to get used to this system, the power, but after a very short time it will not be just a diet, it will be your way of life, and grateful body will thank you.

Tags: diet, nutrition, weight loss