How to lose weight after the holidays

How to lose weight after the holidays
 All good New Year gifts, the smell of pine needles, sparkling champagne, festive mood. However, the holidays come to an end, and the extra pounds remain. After days of feasts, many find that your favorite things became small. It is urgent to lose weight and get in shape. How to do it without harm to health?

Some people after the holidays go on a diet. This is not a good option, as in the cold season our body needs more vitamins, fiber and protein. Therefore, cutting diet can adversely affect the overall, and it is not particularly pleasant completion holidays.

To avoid this, it is better just to limit the amount of fat consumed in the diet. Eating fruits, vegetables, cereal with low-fat milk will help the body cope with the consequences of overeating. Improve digestion and speed up metabolism is capable of mineral water without gas.

It is necessary to minimize the amount of salt eaten daily. It can cause swelling of the morning, dry mouth and significantly stimulate the appetite. To mitigate harm salty foods, it is recommended to drink plenty of tea, chamomile or green is better.

After the holidays is to abandon such dishes as fat soup, sausages, pickled and salted foods, soda. The best option would be boiled or steamed food. Outlaw alcohol - it not only contains enough calories, but also is able to dehydrate the body and slow down metabolism.

Easy-fiber diet that includes meals of lean meat, dairy products, a large number of fruits and vegetables will have a healing effect on the body, exhausted New Year's gluttony. Beverages containing caffeine, and black tea is better not to use.

And, of course, do not forget about exercise. Morning exercises, walking and cycling classes will help consolidate the achieved results. A skiing will not only make the figure more toned, but also bring a lot of pleasant moments. After physical activity is possible after 2-3 hours, and before them - for 1, 5-2 hours.

Tags: holiday year, the ambassador, a new diet