How to get rid of body fat

How to get rid of body fat
 All the girls want to have a beautiful and slim figure, but not everyone is given by nature. Therefore, there are many ways to adjust your body. Some of the methods can be easily applied in the home.
 The first thing you need to deal with his diet. Ideally, in order to lose weight you need to eat often, but small portions, but not everyone has the opportunity. Therefore exclude from your diet fried, greasy, high-calorie foods. Eat boiled, steam food. For example, boiled potatoes or boiled chicken breast (breast is!), Porridge in the morning on the water with slices of green apple very helpful.

Try not to eat sugar and salt. Instead, suitable sweetener and soy sauce in moderation.

At every meal, whether it's breakfast, lunch or dinner, you need to eat vegetables. For example, cucumber very well eliminate toxins from the body. Even before a meal is recommended to drink a glass of cold water. It fills your stomach and helps you avoid overeating.

Also we can not forget about fruit. Fruits such as grapefruit and apple are essential during weight loss. Grapefruit actively burns fat, and apple helps digestion.

At night, drink 1 cup of yogurt. It helps the stomach to cope with the food eaten per day, and before going to bed you will not experience hunger, which is very important.

Without exercise, remove body fat quickly fail. But highly zealous not worth it, because the body is under stress so due to a sharp change of diet. Exercise 3-4 times a week is enough. You can enroll in a fitness or aerobics, where the instructor would chose you load. But if this is not possible, and you can work out at home.

Before physical exercise must be kneaded. Mash all the major muscles in your body, 10-15 minutes is enough. If there is a particular area where'd like to remove body fat, then engage the maximum number of muscle groups. Home is not difficult to perform exercises such as rocking the press, leg swings, tilts in different directions, sit-ups, etc.

Purchase a hoop, it greatly helps to shape the waist and get rid of extra folds.

Tags: domestic, condition, diet, layer, fat