How to banish fat

How to banish fat
 Completeness - a disease of our time. A huge number of fitness clubs, shelves, bursting with food with low content of sugar and fat, do not save the situation. Mankind continues to gain weight. What was going on and how to banish fat effectively and permanently?
 Completeness - a kind of diagnosis. The same as, say, smoking or alcoholism. There are no ex-smokers, and smokers have abstaining from smoking. There are no former alcoholics, and there are alcoholics to stop using alcohol. Just with full human beings. No former fatties have fat men, maintain a healthy weight.

It sounds absurd, but it is. Because the number of adipose tissue in the adult constantly, and devastated due to weight loss, fat cells do not disappear anywhere. There are also more pessimistic views of physiologists. A certain category of scholars believe that the content of adipose tissue in the body is able to grow at the expense of awakening the sleeping cells, which becomes active under certain conditions, become fat and start to behave accordingly.

All this means that even thinner fat is the fat man, and grow up to the size of the former at the slightest indulgences itself favorite. And this, in turn, has meant that no starvation diets do not work, allowing the obese lose fat once and for all. Person wishing to lose weight and maintain your weight is normal, will have to completely rethink their eating habits.

Need to make your meals fractional taking food tiny portions 5-6 times a day. Moreover, the last meal should end in 3-4 hours before bedtime. In addition, it is necessary to abandon the "empty carbs": sweet, pastries and the like. This should become the norm, rather than a single action lasting a couple of months or even less.

As for physical activity, they also need to make permanent. And it's not even in losing weight, but the fact that muscle tissue is several times more active burns calories. Takes 2-3 times a week at your nearest sporting club or make it a habit every day pass or run at least 5 kilometers. This is not a quick half hour of running or 10 000 steps. Not so excessive price to pay for not to worry about their size, right?

Tags: fat, diet, fitness, carbohydrate