Fasting days for a slim figure

Fasting days for a slim figure
 One way to keep slim figure are fasting days. Based on the consumption of a single product, such days will not only allow you to get rid of part of excess weight, but also will be helpful for your overall health.
 Fasting days - this is when the daily menu, there is only one specific product, giving the rest stomach and intestines. Hold them better once a week. You can throw in those days to two pounds overweight, that, in fact, "we wanted to prove." What are the options most applicable?

There is an option on the fasting day kefir. This product is easy to digest, activates digestion and metabolism, cleanses the intestines and even refreshes the skin. Drink it should be 5-6 times a day, and the daily serving of nonfat yogurt should be one and a half liters. Just be aware that by purchasing fresh yogurt, his day to survive in the refrigerator, in order to eliminate gas formation in the stomach and the possibility of diarrhea. Conversely, a drink with validity more than three days will contribute to constipation. Also, do not hold kefir handling of the day people, whether transporting milk.

Fasting day on molokochae very effective for a slim figure, as it involves a relentless drinking tea (every hour on the glass), brewed with milk 2, 5% fat. This drink is useful in many respects and helps cleanse the blood. Consuming it can be to lose a day to 2 kg of weight. And fasting day on molokochae reduces appetite and treats nerves.

Option fasting day on apples involves consuming a half kilograms of apples in 5-6 receptions. Not recommended for people with high acidity. On this diet you can throw apple to 0, 5 kg of weight. And not to be bored all day nibbling apples, can be replaced by two or three servings of fruit a glass of freshly squeezed apple juice. Cleansing the body of toxins and excess fat burning you provided.

There are also other options for handling days, for example, meat and cereals. But a slim figure, they are less effective than the three options above.

Tags: figure, weight loss, sosoba