Dietetics: rest and cleansing of the body in the fasting days

Dietetics: rest and cleansing of the body in the fasting days
 The diet of a rare man can be called perfect. Poor nutrition, poor environment and bad habits litter body. Very often, the excretory system of the human need additional help. For example, fasting days.
 The human body in a modern city accumulates in itself so much dross that his excretory system can not cope with the increasing workload on a daily basis. For relaxation and cleansing of your body should regularly arrange fasting days. At this time, the entire body operates in the power saving mode, which activates the metabolism, improves the output of toxins and leads to weight loss.

When and how to spend fasting days

Nutritionists recommend regularly resort to the discharge day, 4-6 times a month is enough. Of course, during this time much to lose weight does not work, but the work of the body will make it easier. Fasting day - it is a short diet, which means that the body will still experience some stress. Therefore, the day of discharge is better to plan ahead and prepare for it mentally. It is advisable to consult with your doctor, it is important that the doctor approved method of discharge, you are going to apply.

Dietitians insist on total elimination of fatty, salty and smoked products in the fasting days. Furthermore, it should be excluded from the daily diet soda, sugar products and preservatives. However, to completely refuse to eat is optional.

Fasting day - a day of one product (fruits, vegetables, dairy products and cereals).

Kefir discharge day

Since ancient times, the drink was used by doctors in the treatment of chronic fatigue, various neurological disorders, sleep disorders. In addition, yogurt perfectly stimulates the bowels and other excretory systems of the body, and this is the main purpose of fasting day.

In order to relieve the body kefir, you will need one and a half liters of fermented milk product, whose age does not exceed three days. All yogurt should be divided into five portions and distribute them throughout the day. By kefir can add a little cheese. Many women leave good reviews about kefir diet as an effective method of weight loss.

Kefir - a storehouse of nutrients and beneficial bacteria.

Rice fasting day

Rice diet doctors recommend that people who suffer from excess weight. This grass gently but firmly cleanses the body of toxins, stabilizes the intestine and helps the brain.

All diet fasting day is rice porridge and water in between meals. Porridge is prepared as follows: untreated cereal in the evening is filled with cold water, and in the morning swollen grains are cooked; milk is not used, only water and cereals. All day unloading can eat up to one kilogram of such cereals without salt, sugar, milk and butter. Difficult, but effective.

Watermelon fasting day

Prior to the watermelon fasting day should consult a doctor, since some diseases and characteristics of the body, this technique is contraindicated unloading. Healthy people melon fasting days can be carried out frequently, but only in season ripening melons.

Watermelon diet is great for those who are without a sweet day and can not live. For handling of the day you need to prepare three pounds of watermelon flesh. The flesh should be divided into five parts, and during the day to use them all. Such discharge day can be made on the basis of melons or cucumbers.

Oat fasting day

British Hercules eat porridge almost every day, because they know how useful it is. Perhaps this is the best product, reducing the gastrointestinal tract.

Diet fasting day of this technique is formed from oatmeal and unsweetened herbal tea. Oatmeal is not necessary to cook, it is necessary to pour boiling water for a few hours, and as such use. Traditionally, the entire amount of food is divided into five parts that are not eaten at one time, and during the day. Carried out in a similar way fasting day using buckwheat.

Dietetics: rest and cleansing of the body in the fasting days

Apple fasting day

Apples are rich in fiber, which is good dulls the appetite. This means that unloading apple days transferred is much cheaper than the other diets. Struggle with excess weight should begin with this technique, as it gently works the entire body.

Apples are great toxins and burn those extra pounds. For handling of the day you will need half a kilo of apples and two liters of mineral water. During the day, you need to use all of the above.

Output from the discharge of the day

Return to the usual diet for you after unloading should be gradually and cautiously. From the use of heavy meat or baked dishes should refrain couple of days. The optimal solution would be a salad of fresh vegetables, fruits and dairy products. You should not avoid eating on the first day after discharge. From drinks should give preference to vegetable juices, yogurt and warm water with honey. Thus, the output from the discharge of the day get soft, and the benefits of cleansing will be quite noticeable.

Tags: body, diet, appearance, cleansing, relaxation, nutrition, day