Hit the autumn-winter season - a coat with a warming gasket

Hit the autumn-winter season - a coat with a warming gasket
 Not so long ago, winter coats are always supplied a warming lining made of cotton or wool (wool blend) batting. Weighed so many clothes, and her awkwardness prevented to move freely. Today insulated coat sewn with the finished quilted lining, which is used instead of batting sintepon.

Insulated lining in modern coat

Sinteponovye heater is today one of the most popular synthetic nonwovens, which has light weight and does not restrict movement. However sintepon has one drawback - its insulating properties are not suitable for cold Russian winters.

Wearing a coat on sinteponovye lining can only be in early spring or late fall, winter will have extra insulated using sweaters.

In order not to freeze in cold weather, it is desirable to give preference to a warming lining made of artificial or synthetic batting. In contrast to the batting, it gives more heat and not lose in the long wear its original volume.

Selection of a warming lining

To coat style allowed him to pick insulated lining, you need to choose a model pattern which implies the existence of a heater. This is especially important for women's fashion coat with strong adjacent silhouette, as a warming layer lining requires some allowances for free customized fit.

In the coat sleeves can be added only a thin insulated pad - and then, if they have a fairly wide cut.

Need to choose modern insulation made by new technologies. They should be easy to wash and combined with windproof fabric. Thin insulation has the form tightly pressed batting, which you can duplicate the base fabric and sew to detail to cut allowances. If the insulated lining contains in its structure wool, before attaching to the winter or autumn coat it necessarily be subjected wet-heat treatment to obtain tissue shrinkage.

To attach to the lining of the coat by hand, use a back and shelves for padding to find details of insulation and Sew darts and its central seam on the back. Then you need to pin the parts of insulation padding to detail, sweep them into the car and Sew seams on the lining, cutting the insulated lining close to the line.

Then you need to razutyuzhit seams attach the lining to the coat and press it on the line it up folder. At the end of the work on the insulation is cut hem allowance on the bottom line, which is to cut along primetyvaetsya lining, then it must Stitch, and pull the basting process hem lining. Warm coats ready, and similarly you can insulate and men's clothes.

Tags: coat lining, the season hit