Rosewater usually buy off the shelf, the process of its preparation is rather complicated and time-consuming, but you can try to cook it yourself. Rose oil (2 tablespoons) dissolve in 4 liters of distilled water and mix thoroughly. The solution should be stored in a dark place at a lower temperature.
Lotions are solutions, extracts from natural herbs and flowers, which contains all the nutrients. They are alcohol and water-based, and the selection will depend on your skin type. Lotions can cook yourself. Apply them tend to soften and cleanse the skin.
To prepare the lotion of rose petals fill the cup of boiling water into dry petals volume 0, 25 liter, allow to stand for 20 minutes and then dobavte1 tbsp lemon juice, strain the solution. Apply it better in the morning, rubbing the face and neck.
For dry skin toning lotion is prepared, which will also be relevant for aging skin. It is necessary to take three glasses of rose petals and fill them to the top of the peach or almond oil. In a water bath protomai mixture to complete bleaching solution. The resulting lotion cool and strain, and then wipe them skin in the morning.
Soothing Lotion is ideal for skin with dilated capillaries. Equal proportions of dried rose petals, chamomile flowers, grass, mint and sage, parsley mix thoroughly and store in a tightly closed jar. To prepare the lotion 1 tbsp ready mix pour boiling water in an amount of one glass. 2 hours, strain the solution, wipe their skin twice a day, morning and evening. This lotion is particularly useful if they wipe the face and then apply medical mask.