Model is given by a series of questions about her hobbies, professional activities and abilities. Usually allocated on a story about three minutes. If a girl is interested customers as a model, she was invited to put on a solid swimsuit and high heels, walk down the runway (if selected for girl fashion show).
The first impression of the contenders at the customer is formed in the first minutes of communication, so it is important to look presentable as possible. The model must be discreet makeup, calm tones nail polish and, of course, clean and styled hair. Clothing should be comfortable for you, it may be strict jeans and jacket, skirt and topic - the main thing that you feel confident in a particular dress.
The model should beautifully and correctly say, talking about yourself, and be able to keep yourself. Remember, in any case, do not fumble in the hands or other objects, do not look away down or sideways, look boldly into the eyes of the interlocutor. Do not cross your legs or fold his arms, so you take a defensive stance, strictly follow your posture. If you sat down, not swinging on a chair, sit straight, but it should not have the feeling that you are over-stretched.
Do not interrupt the interlocutor and not answer questions without thinking. Feel free to talk about their strengths and advantages, knowledge of foreign languages, even if the customer does not insist on it. Perhaps you already have a portfolio, you need to bring it to disk, thus you will increase your chances of success.