Aromatic pendant with your own hands

Aromatic pendant with your own hands
 If you are going to a celebration or just want to make a "spiritual" gift, there is nothing better than an aromatic pendant made with their own hands. Of course, souvenir shops, and shops abound in all sorts of transitions in aromatic agents: herbal pillows, oils, sticks and, of course, aromatic clay pendants. However, only by applying their own efforts, you will create a unique exclusive gift to yourself or a friend.

Ready aromatic pendants, which will be discussed, usually made of clay. This is the cheapest and easiest way to mass production. However, if you decide to make jewelry with their own hands, the clay is not required - please be visionary and a small amount of time. Look for stocks remain in the house of wooden plugs, small transparent bottles (of anything), beads, thread and a small amount of textiles. This material is already sufficient for the three original pendants. So let's start.

Take a clean empty jar small volume and fill it with colored sand in random order. The resulting pattern can be supplemented with seashells, buttons, dried berries or colored glass. Arrange textile cover and tie a thin twine under the general color scheme. Your pendant is ready. It remains to add a little oil and donate.

Have the unique property of dried leaves of roses. Do not throw bouquets of flowers - gently loosen and leaves to dry. In a closed container pink leaves gradually accumulate the most delicate honey scent. You can please yourself, periodically uncorking cover.

If you love beads and fond of weaving, this recipe is for you. On a small piece of the canvas (approximately 3-2 cm) attach beads according to the scheme. You can buy in the store with colored beads or benefit from the experience of predecessors and download from the Internet. Next, put inside a piece of textile impregnated with perfume or your favorite essential oils, dried flowers or fill. Create the envelope and attach the colored twine. Aromatic pendant worn textile can be happy as long as the volatiles evaporate. Then just refresh or change the smell of the fabric.

Tags: hand, textiles, pendant