On the healing properties of aromatic oils known since ancient times. Even the queen of ancient Egypt, East and India found that aromamasla heals, strengthen and rejuvenate the body.
Today the effectiveness of essential oils confirmed scientifically, often doctors prescribe aromatherapy for immunomodulation and treatment of diseases such as acute respiratory infections, colds, flu and cold. Now it is especially important, because these diseases often come "under the handle" with spring.
Strengthen the immune system
Indispensable "attribute" is the spring beriberi. Lack of vitamins affects the state of the whole organism: the immune system is weakened (this is the cause of frequent colds), somnolence, deteriorating condition of the hair and skin. In the struggle with the consequences of beriberi again come to the aid of aromatic oils.
Lemon - A powerful antiseptic, relieves headaches and dizziness. Stimulates the immune system. Very often prescribed for influenza epidemics as treatment and prevention.
Sage - Used to treat cough, sore throat, inflammation of the lungs. It has analgesic properties.
Jasmine - Is often used for treating colds with loss of voice.
Eucalyptus - A powerful antiseptic. Applied at a cold and as an expectorant.
Anise - Has expectorant and soothing effect, relieves headaches and dizziness.
Mint- Appointed for colds, flu, bronchitis, rhinitis. Improves blood circulation.
Sandal - Improves the immune system, the body's resistance. Has antiseptic properties and clears the urogenital and respiratory system.
These oils can be used at home, using a special lamp, aromatic, or in the bath. If you prefer the second option, we must remember that the aromatic oils in its pure form is not poured on the stones, as the oil starts to burn. It is better to dilute the fragrant "medicine" warm water and spray the mixture on the shelves and walls of the steam room.
Aromatherapy save from colds and flu
Flu and colds - the most frequent and unwelcome companions early spring. Help them cope with the aroma oils.
3 drops of tea tree
3 drops of lavender
3 drops eucalyptus
Add and mix the oil in 1 liter of boiling water. 2 inhalations twice a day.
3 drops of lavender
2 drops of bergamot
2 drops of eucalyptus
Add and mix the oil in 1 liter of boiling water. Inhalations 3 times a day. Good help with coughing.
20 ml of almond oil
5 drops of peppermint Japanese
2 drops of tea tree
2 drops of eucalyptus
Ingredients to mix and knead the composition of the chest when coughing and pneumonia, as well as to rub his nose in the treatment of the common cold.
Nasal drops
10 ml of almond oil
3 drops of geranium
3 drops eucalyptus
2 drops of tea tree
2 drops of bergamot
2 drops of cedarwood
All mix and dig into the nose 3-4 times a day.
Aromatic oils for massage
Spring mood often overshadows taco disease exacerbation, as osteochondrosis. Sharp pain in the back or neck, dizziness, difficulty perevdizhenii ... Help spine can not only pills, injectables, and can soothe the pain through massage with aromatic oils.
Aromatic oils from osteoarthritis
10 ml of aloe vera juice
20 ml of almond oil
60 ml of grape seed oil
Guarana 10 ml diluted in water
10 mL of wheat germ oil
5 drops of oil of thyme or fennel
6 drops of rose oil
10 drops of essential oil of lemon, grapefruit or orange
All ingredients were mixed and the resulting oil massage pain areas. The residual oil was stored in a cool, dark place.
Defeating tired feet and varicose veins
Heaviness in the legs and pain at the end of the day can not only spoil the mood - it can lead to problems with blood vessels serzno. Coupled with the treatment prescribed by a doctor that you can use the properties of aromatic oils:
Aromatic oils, enriched with vitamins
50 ml of soybean oil
10 mL of wheat germ oil
2 drops of essential oil of geranium
2 drops of essential oil of grapefruit
1 drop of lemon oil
1 drop of orange oil
All the ingredients are well mixed. Apply to the body with soft massage movements from the bottom-up.
This oil is also good strengthens the walls of blood vessels and helps get rid of varicose veins: geranium improves blood circulation and strengthen the walls of blood vessels citrus.
From tired legs
25 ml of grape seed oil
25 ml of almond oil
20 drops of orange oil
10 drops of peppermint oil
5 drops of lemon oil
All mix and rub into the skin of the feet until completely absorbed
Salvation skin from dryness
Lack of vitamins and weather conditions affect the condition of the skin: a feeling of dryness, peeling, and discomfort.
Aromatic oils from dry skin
45 ml of jojoba oil
10 ml of rosehip oil
10 mL of wheat germ oil
10 ml Evening Primrose Oil
3 drops of jasmine oil
5 drops of lavender oil
4 drops of lemon oil
All the ingredients are mixed and applied to the body massage movements from the bottom-up. Oil stored in the refrigerator for no longer than 2 months.
Hands, like the face, are particularly vulnerable to the weather. From lack of vitamins, wind and dampness on his hands appear dry, peeling.
Aromatic oils for hands
15 ml of almond oil
15 ml argan oil
10 mL of wheat germ oil
10 ml Evening Primrose Oil
10 drops of lavender oil
2 drops of rose oil
All mix and shake well. Applied to the skin of hands every night and rub until completely absorbed.
"Star" on the face, dryness and peeling
Beriberi affects the general condition of the skin (dryness, peeling) and the state of the vessels: capillaries burst and formed the so-called stars, which are especially noticeable on the cheeks and décolleté.
Oil for Face
30 ml (2 tbsp. Tablespoons) rosehip oil
10 ml argan oil
10 ml of borage oil
10 mL of wheat germ oil
6 drops of essential oil of parsley
2 drops of essential oil of orange or violet color
Mix all ingredients and apply on cleansed face lotion or tonic. After 10 minutes, remove the remnants of oil cloth. It is advisable to perform this procedure in the morning for 2-3 months.
Recipes for hair, lips and skin around the eyes
Loss, brittle hair
Hormonal imbalance and stress affect the condition of the hair: brittle, split ends, hair loss. These problems will help get rid of ylang-ylang. Its health effects hair became known in the 19th century.
Before apply the mixture on your hair, comb carefully.
Agent with ylang-ylang from hair loss
6 drops of aroma oils of ylang-ylang
10 ml of borage oil
10 ml Evening Primrose Oil
All oil mix and shake well. Rub into the scalp for 1 hour before washing. Use 2-3 times a month. It is also possible to add a few drops of the oil in the shampoo.
Eye redness, swelling
Fatigue, weakness worsen the eye: there are redness, puffiness. With this light gel help to cope.
Remedy for red eyes and bags under the eyes
1/2 cucumber, peeled and grated
10 mL of wheat germ oil
50 ml of broth one of 4 herbs: calendula, fennel, parsley or comfrey
Mix 1 tsp. Of herbal broth and 50 ml of boiled water. Then add the cucumber pulp and wheat germ oil. Apply the gel with your fingertips on the skin around the eyes. The remaining components of the gel in the fridge. Use 1 time in 3 days.
Health lips
The skin on the lips - one of the most delicate and vulnerable. Inadequate nutrition and hydration, cold and wind dry out the lips and lead to the formation of cracks.
Lip balm
10 mL of wheat germ oil
10 ml of jojoba oil
5 ml of castor oil
5 ml of argan oil
Mix all the ingredients and soft percussive movements to put on the lips. After 2 minutes, remove the remnants of balm napkin. This mixture can also have a massage the skin around the lips: clockwise motion.
Anastasia Vladykina
Aromatherapy: 6 spring recipes Health and Beauty
For many people, the arrival of spring is accompanied by a range of health problems: frequent colds, worsening of mood, weakened immunity ... deal with all misfortunes help aroma oils. JustLady - the properties of these fragrant "drugs" with high efficiency.
Tags: hair, fatigue, cold, beauty, health, loss, recipe, aromatherapy, essential oils