Birthplace of exotic oils - Malaysia, where he was brought to India. In Europe it was brought together merchants in Indian fabrics, and, as it turned out, it has paid off. The oil has a number of miraculous properties that earned him a good reputation among cosmetologists, aromatherapists and their clients.
The oil is extracted from the plant family patchouli yasnotkovyh (Laaminaceae). The leaves are harvested for processing in a certain period, so that they were juicy. In order to obtain oil, patchouli leaves steamed in a special apparatus. The yield at this processing oil is about 3 to 5% of a dry sheet.
This essential oil contains pachulievy alcohol, Bulnes, Gwaii alpha, alpha-patchouli, eugenol. This rich set of causes many medicinal properties and a wide range of applications.
Oil is widely used in dermatology. In this area, it is claimed because of its bactericidal and fungicidal (ability to kill fungal cells) properties. In addition, pachulievoe oil promotes rapid cell renewal of the epidermis and has anti-inflammatory properties. Therefore used for the treatment and prevention of skin diseases.
Here are just a few of the diseases that have managed to win thanks to the patchouli oil eczema, dermatitis, infected wounds, abrasions, acne, fungal infection of the skin.
This drug prevents fluid retention in the body, so it is widely used in the treatment of cellulite, problems with the urinary system and the urethra. If you use pachulievoe essential oil with anti-cellulite massage, the effect is unrivaled.
Separate issue - is the use of patchouli oil as a means of aromatherapy. Directly affecting the nervous system, ethereal particles restore its function, relieve stress, depression, facilitate a sense of suffering.
Particularly strong eroticizes property patchouli. The use of oil stimulates the libido, eliminating impotence and helps produce endorphins. Legend has it that King Solomon himself used the fragrant incense rubbing and inhaling vapors before each night of love. And he knew a good judge. After all, Solomon, as the story goes, "he had three hundred wives and concubines without account."
In a domestic environment, oil is used for more mundane purposes, though no less important. Patchouli is an indispensable tool in the fight against moths. In order to prevent the emergence of moths or expel her from the room, you need to wipe the shelves of cabinets and furniture, dissolved in water, essential oil. To enhance the effect, should be put on the shelves of a small container filled with oil and leave it for a while.
Wet cleaning with a few drops of essential oil of patchouli, not only to fill the house fragrance, but also produce disinfection of premises.
There are enough simple recipes for the application of this oil.
To eliminate depression and giving forces throughout the day, you should put 2-3 drops of substance in aromamedalon.
You can get a massage with this substance. To this 4-5 drops of diluted in olive oil or corn oil.
Alternatively, it is possible aromatization wine and tea leaves by adding them up to 5 drops of oil. If there is a problem with the scalp as dandruff, increased release of fat from the hair follicles (oily hair) - should enrich shampoo preparation (about 6 drops to the normal volume) and apply until a satisfactory result.
Despite the simplicity of the recipes and a small amount of essential oil, you must still be cautious. There's still and idiosyncrasy of the substance. Therefore, before applying best to consult with your doctor.
In addition, there are strict taboos. It is not necessary to break the dosage upward since it can lead to unintended consequences. The essential oil is strictly prohibited to use in pregnant women.