Magical scents of spring depression

Magical scents of spring depression
 Man is so constituted that it can not be always good mood. Sometimes happen nervous breakdown, depression. Especially shame if it happens in spring, when all the delights of life. But, nevertheless, many amenable melancholy in the spring. According to experts, depression in this season is particularly difficult to treat. If a person can not get rid of depression for a long time, his body urgently needs help in dealing with this condition. It's time to look at the essential oils sold in specialty stores and pharmacies.
 Raise the tone and help improve mood lemon, mint, fir, orange, sage and geranium. In the role of antidepressants may make scents of lavender, cypress, basil and jasmine. Have a beneficial effect on the nervous system of sandalwood oil of patchouli and jasmine, which are quite good and erotic stimulant.

Possibly cope with insomnia if taken at night bath with a few drops of relaxing oils. Before going to bed is recommended to drip onto the pillow a little lavender oil, then a sound sleep will be guaranteed.

In order to increase the resistance of the body can be massaged, using a mixture of oils: sweet almond oil - approximately 50 ml, lavender - 20 drops and bergamot - 5 drops. Or another option: 7 drops oil of bergamot and lavender plus 4 drops of cedar oil.

For an ordinary massage oil blend suitable geranium - 4 drops of bergamot - 2 drops of lavender and - 6 drops.

Give the body vitality and configure it for help 3 drops of rosemary and a few drops of Japanese mint. They need to add hot water and inhale the aroma.

Women are transformed with the coming of spring. Everybody wants to feel beautiful. And this will help oils. They can be used to correct figure flaws and rejuvenate the skin: the bioactive substances in their composition, increase the elasticity of muscles in the body, making them resilient and strengthen ligaments.

Especially effective has lemon oil. It perfectly whitens skin, helps get rid of freckles, makes invisible vascular pattern and eliminates dark spots. It is also - a good remedy for dandruff, strengthens hair. However, they need to use caution with lemon - a natural bleach hair.

His miraculous oil for cellulite. It improves metabolism, accelerates fat burning and helps clean the body of toxins. The only condition: it can not be applied to the skin before going out in the sun or solarium.

Active people engaged in sports, will be useful for one of the mixtures, makes it easier to carry the load on the body. The recipe of one of these compounds is as follows: take 6 drops of cinnamon oil, 8 - nutmeg, 15 - rosemary and mix with 1 tablespoon of cream for massage. To relieve muscle tension suitable warm compresses and wraps with a mixture of: peppermint oil - 15 drops of tea tree - 15 drops of patchouli - 12 drops of pine and eucalyptus - 10 drops, a tablespoon of the basics.

Essential oils, as well as traditional drugs should be used cautiously. The uncontrolled use can lead to tragic results. Therefore, it is important to observe the golden rule: less is better!

 Author: Marina Malinovskaya

Tags: depression, aroma